My country venezuela falls to pieces steal animals of zologicos to eat #SOS

in #venezuela7 years ago

It is demeaning to see that my country falls to pieces every day by a government so atros and without being able to do anything, as it is possible that the animals of the zoos are stolen to be eaten

steal animals from the zoo to eat them. With this news ended yesterday the state of Maracaibo, Venezuela, where the events have happened. The police are investigating whether, as it is thought, the animals that were stolen from a zoo in western Zulia state were going to end up on the grill.
The last two victims of the assault were two peccaries, similar in appearance to a boar, and belonged to the Metropolitan Zoological Park of Zulia, near the Colombian border. But two tapirs, who are in danger of extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and a buffalo that was cut into pieces in the enclosure to carry their weight, also took away a few days before.

It is the first case of theft of animals from a zoo that is documented in Venezuela and if the purpose of this theft was food, it is under investigation although the police sources are forceful: "We believe that they were taken with the intention of eating them", affirms Luis Morales, officer of the Zulia division of the national police.

For his part, the director of the park, Leonardo Núñez, ensures that those responsible for the attacks are drug addicts who are looking for easy money. "Here they take everything, animals that have been stolen are not to be eaten," he said.

The zoo has indicated in its Twitter account that 10 species have been stolen and that since yesterday they would have police surveillance all day.

However, different media have denounced the inaction of the Maduro government, as well as the lack of effectiveness of the measures to solve the food crisis, which until now have been summarized in the CLAP's (Local Supply and Production Committees) system, which PROVEA, the Venezuelan organization in defense of human rights, has described it as a kind of "food apartheid".
descarga (2).jpgWhile some people steal animals from zoos, others eat waste from the garbage, which is very important to see how your country falls apart and can not do anything and the dollar does not stop rising every day goes up to where we are going to stop, without food without articles of hygiene without medicines is very marginal to live here, we can no longer live only survive the mercy of my GOD all powerful
So is the pain in Venezuela and without stopping to upload



Our heart goes out to the Venezuelans. May they find comfort in God and his kingdom. Man has been ruling man for his injury.