So I dont know if people in Venezuela have internet access but if they do, they should get on Steemit, express, report or simply just comunnicate freely while making some "money" that could very likely hold it's value better than their local Bolivar. Like myself I know there is people who speak spanish and could help in whatever way.
People are having enough trouble surviving in Venezuala, because thier currency has collapsed. This mainly being due to the fact that the government through out the Central Bank. So I'm not sure it'll be high on their list of agendas.
Im sure they are not all socialist.
There are Venezuelans on Steemit already. My Spanish is pretty bad but from what I understand, at least one has earned enough money on Steemit to leave the country. Word will spread.
Thats awesome.
Hello @ elpayasillo91, yes we have Internet access in some regions better than others and the point you mention, is why I am here.
The issue in my country is very low knowledge about blockchain and bitcoin, but also people start to know about Steemit that they sign up immediately.
I know Steemit through bitcoins and altcoins.
I hope word spreeds.
why did you just tag with socialism Venezuela is full of private property lmao
Is it not a form of socialism with property right? Is that impossible smarty pants from wisconsin?
because socialism is literally the abolition of private property so that each person may labor freely while personal property stays
if private property exists the system is not socialist
so yeah its impossible
are you talking about personal or private property?