La vuelta a casa/ The return home

in #venezuelalast year


Un día se encontraba un padre amoroso y compasivo cuidando de su hijo adolescente, este sin querer cometió faltas que le daban pena, tristeza y dolor, puesto que su padre actuaba a través del amor y la compasión, el joven avergonzado por espeto a su padre decidió marcharse sin mediar palabra sobre lo que había hecho, camino valles, montañas y caminos escabrosos buscado algo que reemplazara o tapara el gran amor del padre que le faltaba.

El padre por otro lado se sentó en su palacio triste por el abandono de su hijo muchos le hablaban que le habían visto como un pordiosero, y que fuese a buscarlo el solamente mandaba mensajes de amor con las personas que le habían visto o que sabían dónde se encontraba su hijo, el joven por otro lado cuando le hablaban de su padre con pena respondía: no quiero llegar a mi padre ya que he cometido tantas faltas contra él y contra lo que el enseña, que no tengo una cara para darle lo que tengo es una gran vergüenza, y así anduvo por muchos años y la gente que lo conocían y conocían a su padre que era el más millonario de toda la tierra, le decían que su padre lo esperaba con brazos abiertos.


El joven seguía respondiendo que no iría por vergüenza y porque no quería volverle a fallar a su padre, un día el joven caminando por un valle de sombras tuvo un gran problema iba a ser asesinado, y fue salvo por el poder que tenía su padre, sus asesinos solo lo vieron y se marcharon no pudieron tocarlo, el joven ese día entendió que fue el poder y la misericordia de su padre quien lo salvo, sin dudarlo en ese momento emprendió el viaje de vuelta a casa de su padre.


Al llegar al frente del palacio de su padre, sin siquiera estar en su presencia cayo arrodillado llorando, estaba vestido como un pordiosero dejo caer sus cargas y en ese momento su padre se entero que su hijo prodigo había vuelto, y salió a las escaleras del palacio, aquel joven al verlo corrió a los brazos de su padre y en ellos cayo pidiendo perdón y llorando como un niño de pecho.

Su padre solo le respondió, no te preocupes te amo lo único que me importa es que estas aquí, no me importan cuantas veces faltas contra mi cometiste, lo único que me importa es que estas aquí conmigo hijo todo está perdonado.

No te alejes de mí de nuevo solo habla conmigo referente a tus faltas e intenta no cometerlas de nuevo no vuelvas a ese mundo cochino, que por tu amor respeto y temor hacia mi has sido salvado de aquellos asesinos que intentaron quitarte la vida.


Hoy estamos de fiesta porque mi hijo prodigo ha vuelto a casa, encontré aquella oveja que se me había perdido, el padre limpio a su hijo prodigo le quito sus culpas y cargas, le quito el traje de pordiosero que el mundo le había puesto y le puso un traje de salvación, le coloco prendas de misericordia lo llevo ante su hermano Jesús y junto con él estaba su mejor amigo el espíritu santo, y su padre le dijo este es tu hermano Jesús y su mejor amigo el espíritu santo siempre que cometas un error ellos estarán contigo, por el amor que te tiene tu hermano Jesús yo te he perdonado, ellos estarán contigo en todo momento durante cada paso no se alejaran de ti y si vas a caer tu hermano y su mejor amigo estará allí para ayudarte así ya no te alejaras de mí.


A veces nos alejamos de Dios y andamos en el mundo como pordioseros, unos por pena de llegar al padre y confesarle que han hecho mal y que con acciones lastimaron el corazón de un Dios tan bueno, otros porque no saben de quien son hijos, sin saber que somos hijos del padre más rico de la tierra que solo quiere vestirnos de salvación y colocarnos prendas de misericordia ofrecer un banquete en nuestro honor y colocarnos en el puesto que el predestino para nosotros.

*Solo debemos dar ese salto de fe caer rendidos ante su presencia, ante su poder confesar nuestros pecados arrepentirnos y nuestro padre en su infinita sabiduría y misericordia sabrá perdonarnos, es decisión nuestra caminar hacia el palacio de nuestro padre donde está esperándonos con los brazos abiertos.

Editor de fotos: Incollage
Fotos: Pixabay
Traductor: Google Traductor

**Traducción/Translation **

One day a loving and compassionate father was found taking care of his adolescent son, he inadvertently committed faults that made him feel sorry, sad and in pain, since his father acted through love and compassion, the young man embarrassed by spitting on his father He decided to leave without saying a word about what he had done, he walked valleys, mountains and rough roads looking for something to replace or cover up the great love of his father that he lacked.

The father, on the other hand, sat in his palace sad for the abandonment of his son, many told him that they had seen him as a beggar, and that he should go look for him, he only sent messages of love with the people who had seen him or knew him. Where was his son, the young man, on the other hand, when they spoke to him about his father, sadly answered: I don't want to get to my father since I have committed so many offenses against him and against what he teaches, that I don't have a face to give him what he says. What I have is a great shame, and he went like this for many years and the people who knew him and his father, who was the most millionaire in the whole world, told him that his father was waiting for him with open arms.

The young man kept answering that he would not go out of shame and because he did not want to fail his father again, one day the young man walking through a valley of shadows had a big problem, he was going to be killed, and he was saved by the power that his father had, his murderers only saw him and left they could not touch him, the young man that day understood that it was the power and mercy of his father who saved him, without hesitation at that moment he undertook the journey back to his father's house.

Upon arriving in front of his father's palace, without even being in his presence, he fell to his knees crying, he was dressed as a beggar, he dropped his loads and at that moment his father found out that his prodigal son had returned, and he went out to the stairs of the palace. palace, that young man upon seeing him ran into his father's arms and fell into them asking for forgiveness and crying like a baby.

His father just answered him, don't worry, I love you, the only thing that matters to me is that you're here, I don't care how many times you committed fouls against me, the only thing that matters to me is that you're here with me son, everything is forgiven.

Do not walk away from me again, just talk to me about your faults and try not to commit them again, do not return to that dirty world, because of your love, respect and fear towards me, you have been saved from those murderers who tried to take your life.

Today we are celebrating because my prodigal son has returned home, I found that sheep that I had lost, the father cleansed his prodigal son, I took away his guilt and burdens, I took off the beggar suit that the world had put on him and he He put on a suit of salvation, I placed garments of mercy on him, I took him before his brother Jesus and with him was his best friend the holy spirit, and his father told him this is your brother Jesus and his best friend the holy spirit whenever you commit a mistake mistake they will be with you, for the love that your brother Jesus has for you I have forgiven you, they will be with you at all times during each step they will not move away from you and if you are going to fall your brother and his best friend will be there to help you like this now you won't get away from me.

Sometimes we move away from God and walk in the world like beggars, some because of the pity of reaching the father and confessing to him that they have done wrong and that with their actions they hurt the heart of such a good God, others because they do not know whose children they are, without knowing that we are children of the richest father on earth who only wants to clothe us with salvation and place garments of mercy on us, offer a banquet in our honor and place us in the position that he predestined for us.

We just have to take that leap of faith, fall surrendered before his presence, before his power, confess our sins, repent and our father in his infinite wisdom and mercy will know how to forgive us, it is our decision to walk towards our father's palace where he is waiting for us with open arms.

Photo Editor: Collage
Photos: Pixabay
Translator: Google Translate


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