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RE: A Long Overdue Update

in #veteranslast year (edited)


@inthenow, @enginewitty...

Appreciate the shout-out! I am sure everyone understands the way things go. Everyday life... that C word that put the bamboozle on things for all of us. But if there's one thing that we learned being Vets... that's we Don't Give Up!! From this post:


OperaGX snapshot

This is surely a wonderful example of trying to show the awesome of our blockchain! All we need to do is look at the vetfunding account to see those who are already supporting ( I could TAG them, but there's no reason to, right? VivaLa Transparency!). But I do know that there are so many VETs that would/could really appreciate a place, where they feel like they "belong". And to see so many folks helping to support this initiative... both VETs and not VETs... well I think that just speaks for itself. Those of you that know me... know I make a point to be everywhere lol... but this initiative is something that I feel very strongly about. I'll admit, I usually spread myself quite thin. But I will step up, and just say... if you have any questions about this... feel free to leave a comment here. Or contact me on Discord: Wes Philbin #5391.



We Don't Give Up!

Yeah giving up... that's not an option. 🙌