A wake up call to self. Are you awake and listening?

in #vibes2 years ago (edited)

This message is a reminder to self as much as a wake-up call to the world but most importantly to the individuals of the United States, AKA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a corporation formed under the Organic Act of 1871. Which made the United States a federal corporation located within the District of Columbia.

One must consider how the United States of America was progressively and incrementally led into becoming an incorporated body which became the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Research 28 USC 3002(15)

The above statement is considered by, Wikipedia, to be a conspiracy theory. Wikipedia claims that it is a conspiracy based on the beliefs of a group called the sovereign citizen movement.

Let me be clear there is no such thing as a “sovereign citizen”. An individual can be sovereign or a citizen. One is either a citizen or sovereign but to both at the same time is a misnomer.

Sovereignty exists based on the natural laws of the universe. Research, “the law of one”, material for more information. The basic premise is the “right to free will choice.” The question, I must ask myself, is do I have free will? Am I being allowed to exercise my choice of free will based upon universal truth? Or am I being coerced into making choices subjected to propaganda?

This is one of many examples of how language is used against the Sovereign to enslave a mind. AKA, “mind control”. Government. To govern the mind. “Mente” is Latin for the mind, government, has been in existence on planet earth for how many years? Government(s) is inclusive of planet earth. To date, all of planet earth’s population has been subjected to the will of a few or the Governors ruling the governed.

As a sovereign one must realize that we have been governed by a ruling class for many generations on this planet. There exists a ruling elite on this planet that contrary to what we are told, “that are ruling and/or governing our planet for the common good and/or in the best interests of our safety”.

Let me make this abundantly clear, the ruling elite of this planet are looking after their best interests. This ruling elite has governed the planet with an iron fist and used the human mind against its will. In the United States, there are several, “think tanks,” that are funded annually by UNITED STATES CITIZENS to control and manipulate in their best interest.

The Rand Corporation is one example. There are many more, “think tanks”. While all of us are busy living our daily lives in support of ourselves and our families the think tanks are working towards manipulating our planet against our free will choice. All of these organizations bank on one inherent quality of our species. The fact that all of us, myself included are, “lazy.”

Yes, I said it, I am lazy. One example of my laziness is that I have played the Lottery since its inception, legalized gambling. I realize that I must stop lying to myself. I must realize that I must determine my morality. This unveiling of one’s self, myself, must unfold by asking questions.

What is morality? What does this mean to me? Am I a product of someone else’s concept of morality? Meaning, am I moral, or am I a product of my society’s morality? For example, in the old testament having more than one wife was acceptable. Here in the USA, it is against the law to have more than one wife. The question is what is my morality? Is there such a thing as universal morality and if so, what is it?

Have I now played into the hands of the ruling elite by questioning my morality and thereby losing my moral compass? This is a tactic of mind control. The mere act of creating confusion about one’s convictions plays into the hands of those manipulating the planet.

I regress, back to some basic qualities of human nature. Laziness, we have been programmed through western culture for the quick fix. We have fast food, a pill, drug, and/or supplement that will help us lose weight. There are many more examples of how corporations have identified a problem and then solved that problem through a quick fix. The fix requires your hard-earned cash and their product to solve your problem.

In the USA several pharmaceutical companies have advertisements identifying problems with the human condition that I never knew existed. Restless leg syndrome is one example with many others to follow.

What I have come to realize is that I am being controlled and manipulated by corporations. Starting with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It was and is still a corporation. All other corporations are incorporated under the USA corporation. All of our 50 states and cities are incorporated. We work for corporations and consume products by corporations. In essence, by supporting corporations, we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by corporate bodies.

“Con”sume. I, we are being conned into a false reality. A reality that, we support in our daily activities. I, we are complicit in supporting that false reality. Until I wake up and refuse to support these entities I am a part of the problem.

How is it that in a country that pro ports to be the beacon of freedom we have become an enslaved mass of brokenness? How is it that our country, the USA has committed immeasurable acts of war crimes against humanity in the name of freedom? Freedom disguised as, “Democracy.” The United States of America was formed as a “Republic.”

The USA dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese innocent civilians. The USA used incendiary bombs against German and Vietnamese civilians. Only two examples of the government of the USA. There are many more violations of crimes against humanity under the Geneva Convention. An agreement signed by the USA and yet the ruling elite of the USA government ignores it.

When one critically examines the history of the USA one realizes that almost every single agreement of the USA government has been broken. Research the North American Indian tribal agreements, again, with only one example.

As a Sovereign one must realize that I am only writing about USA history because I was born within this area of the planet. This may seem to be a condemnation of only the USA but this country is one example of the atrocities subjected to the human condition since the inception of the ruling elite upon our planet.

This is a wake-up call to the North American people. This is a wake-up call to the planet. Currently, the USA is an example of an error couched in the name of freedom. This part of the planet is the prime example of how language and emotion have been used to enslave and control the minds of its population.

I as yet have one other point I want to make regarding the human condition. The first one is that we are inherently programmed to be lazy. We have been programmed to the 10-second sound bite of misinformation aka, propaganda through our media outlets. We have been programmed through our public education system to become the perfect worker/slave under the guise of individual liberty. We have been programmed to believe that we can become anyone we chose to become as a slave to the system.

What the education system lacks is the teaching of how to become a better human being. It lacks the understanding of teaching our youth what it means to better the human condition of our planet. It lacks the understanding of teaching us to become in service to others. The understanding and realization that to be of service to others is the prime example of freedom, self-worth, accomplishment, the purest form of joy, happiness, and love.

That is why I am advocating for the peaceful and loving transition of a parallel universe. I am calling for the activation of our junk DNA. We are creators. We have been taught through religion that Jesus died for our sins. We have been taught that we are sinners and born into sin. I ask you, what newborn in its innocence is a sinner? It is only after our public educational systems and society have programmed them that we become a product of that sinfulness.

We have been programmed to have low self-esteem through religion, education, and society. We have been programmed to consume useless products for a quick fix that ceases to materialize.

I am calling for a peaceful creation of a parallel universe where we have awakened the long-suppressed DNA within us that realizes and can co-create based upon the principles in the law of one.

This is the “secret,” that has been burned from our hearts, minds, body, and soul along with innumerable libraries of knowledge to suppress the truth.

I am calling for a change to become sovereign in our hearts, minds, body, and soul. This is an abolishment of the current structure on this planet. We are building, creating anew vs a so-called, “peaceful revolution”. Join me in creating a planet based on love. By creating this parallel universe we are creating our space to live and leaving behind, setting aside the manifestation of the negative entities.

When we realize that all of us have free will choice we develop the space to allow the negative entities to choose their reality. By proclaiming and creating our reality and claiming our sovereignty over our hearts, minds, body, and soul, we are placing the bullies, negative entities, on notice that they must allow us our free will choice as well.

In closing let’s move forward with creating our reality and leave them in the dust to wallow in their corruption. This current reality will become a reminder of how it used to be and a reminder of who we once were and solidification in the closure of past mistakes. This a reminder that we must learn from history and keep in it the frontal cortex as a path towards our greater future based on love and improving the human condition.