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RE: Steemit/Dtube vs. Youtube

in #video7 years ago

I've tried everything to get Dtube to work for me. Even gently, caressingly, lovingly stroking Dtube with Google searches, FAQs, and carefully worded pleas for help on Steemchat. But, alas, my love remains unrequited.

Oh, if I were but only allowed the sweet embrace of this buggy-ass wanna-be YouTube...


I'm not sure what your coding to, but I've had a lot of luck with h.264 720p 30fps.

I think that I've made the most basic of errors that a Steemian can make. I'm one of the few here who don't care about the Steem. I made a complaint as a CONSUMER, rather than a fatcat curator. I just want something to... ugh, "CONSUME"

Yes, we actually exist... reddit and youtube are looking less and less like the alter-alternative. It sucks to actually consider going back to the old suck.

Soooooo tired of Steemit being completley made of sales-convention-like, disengenous, wantrepeneurs.

No offense. Just venting. Just tired of everything here being defined for those here to produce, rather than those of us who are here just to watch, read, and enjoy.

I feel you. I have the same experience as of now. Loading forever - but I hope and guess it will be better.

Fun fact, if a video isn't working for you on dtube, right click on the player and choose "save video as" to download and watch offline. ;)