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RE: Spooky semi-maintained temple complex that is NOT on maps

in #vietnam4 years ago

i was wondering if I could have put that in Urbex but i didn't want to do so unless i was sure. There is an abandoned hospital here that if i can get into it I will definitely put in Urbex. I don't know what the trespassing laws are here, i normally try to keep a low profile because people are on edge about foreigners at the moment pretty much globally.


I placed your post in Urbex myself, so that tells you it is most definitely in that category. A hospital solo, you're braver than me!

oh great! I always try to find stuff like this so in the future I will urbex it and i'll let you tell me if i do it wrong. :)

It's not a mental hospital unfortunately, just a rehab one. Should still be spooky though.