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RE: Think like a Viking: Part thirty three

in #vikings2 years ago

I took a slightly different interpretation to this quote than you, and took it to be more along the lines of acknowledging your negative/dark emotions so they don't fester and grow within you until they ultimately rule your life.

Shit happens. It's a constant. But to resign yourself to shit happening is to give up.

My children are aboot the focus of my life - you've seen that I almost always bring them up in discussion, primarily because I learn as much from them about life as vice versa. Two of my boys suffer depression, one has been cutting himself. I have told them - and keep reminding them - that they need to acknowledge their illness, but do not let it define them.

The Vikings were incredibly wise people. I believe they needed to be in order to survive.


Exactly! This is the thing with these Viking quotes, they talk to people differently as required.

I chose my, slightly different, perspective because it suited the particular real-world scenario just as you did for your lads and your own situation. That's sort of cool right.

Acknowledgement is the first step towards ownership. You've mentioned your lads before. I hope they push forward and I'm sure you have the right and required assistance for them on hand.

Thanks! They're certainly moving in the right direction. It's a little more difficult for them, perhaps, but forward momentum, no matter how small or slow, is momentum in the right direction. Thanks for the comment!