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RE: Who Are You Voting For?

in #vote4 years ago

Affiliation doesn't matter when the 'voting' is rigged.
People don't care about their votes very much do they. THey just 'trust' that they are counted properly. This should be the first thing addressed.

We have blockchain. Do you know how easy it would be to make a vote system on a blockchain that had everyone running a node tied to a voter id? A token per voter.....ORRRRR something else. Like INNOVATION to make a flawless system that makes it to we are AT LEAST OUR VOTE COUNTED!

Stalin voting.JPG

OH oops I used it again ^^

Stalin meme steal.JPG


We have blockchain. Do you know how easy it would be to make a vote system on a blockchain that had everyone running a node tied to a voter id?

This CAN be implemented at the COUNTY LEVEL.

Voting procedures, ballot design, and equipment are COUNTY LEVEL DECISIONS.

Yes it was done in Vermont city council I think it was, recently I heard. I was like wow, finally. I'll have to see how that went down.

I've heard some countries may be adopting it.
An AUDITABLE, un-hackable voting system....should be priority, for the people, not the bankers obviously. Although the bankers have convinced would-be good folk that 'Blockchain' = 'Crypto' = 'MUH MARK OF THE BEAST YO!' so, it is stomped on by many in the usa.

A ray of hope and perhaps a glimmer of RCV.