I Love the Immensity of Sky!!

in #vote3 years ago


From the very beginning of my childhood I could remember that I love to see the sky! The movement of clouds the sunshine the sunrise the sunset the moon & thousands of stars, the flying birds even the airplane makes me feel good.


In the childhood I was wondering to be a Pilot. But I couldn’t make it! Still I had hope to fly and I applied for Cabin Crew while I was a University student. I don’t know was it a chance or not, but I got the job in a reputed Airlines in Bangladesh. Unfortunately it was not a happy ending type movie anx this is the time of climax!!

The date joining was the date of my final exam! My family is very conservative and education oriented. That’s why my father ordered to complete my graduation rather joining in the Airlines.

I definitely did what my father said and sit for my exam. The flying job was gone. In the beginning I have written-off that "I don’t know was it a chance or not", yes still I don’t know!!

Here in my place there is a say that chance comes once, those who are successful today they knew how to grab it!

May be I missed the chance to fly everyday. But I never stop looking at the sky! Feeling blessed that atleast I could feel the immensity the hugeness of the sky...

Remember I said that this is not a happy ending type movie? Yes it’s not but still sometimes I fly with other passengers✌️😆

Life is really beautiful and we shouldn’t miss the chance to enjoy.

Thanks for your Vote and support✌️