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RE: Policing and keeping the peace

in #vyb2 years ago

This is synchronicity, today I'm going to post a letter Howie wrote to Paul before playing with this idea of Crater Earth, and some of the focus is on writing down the facts as people know it without embellishment, and how true journalism is so hard to find, and that has been the case throughout history.

People controlling the narrative will paint it whichever way fits their agenda, any true journalism gets lost or is hard to find, and even when we do find something that seems truthful, many of us are so jaded we look at it skeptically. Sadly.

At any rate, Howie would appreciate what you're doing here, and I most certainly do :)

Also, you have way more faith left in those who hold offices of power,like the police chief, then I have left in me. Especially those who work in political centers. I will say that I was happily surprised by the Chicago Chief, he refused to enforce the mandate on his force or the people and encouraged his men to go on strike. But there is no happy ending with that I'm afraid, he was put on trial for potential termination for "inflammatory social media" among other things, and he resigned in November. “There was never a possibility under God’s green earth that I was ever going to give this mayor the ability to utter the words ‘I fired you,’” he said. “It was never gonna happen.”

I have hear rumors that he plans to run for mayor against the absolute piece of garbage running things now, but politics are so corrupt at this point I mostly don't think people like him stand a chance.