If you claim to care about privacy, yet buy everything with your debit card, then I would question if you actually care. Every purchase made with your debit card is tracked and a record is kept FOREVER. Debit cards can be declined or frozen, and have fees for the merchant. Cash has no fees, is 100% private and leaves no trace. And most importantly, you have complete freedom in spending or receiving cash, therefore cash gives you financial freedom.


-Do NOT give business to stores that refuse cash. We should have zero tolerance for this.

-For long distance transactions use crypto whenever possible. Monero is best since it is private. You'd be surprised how many smaller businesses will accept it if you just ask.

-Only keep a fraction of your cash in the bank, most should be kept in your own custody, split into 2 places. Your home in a very heavy safe + emergency cash somewhere else is best.

Go forth and be free gentlemen.