
Still we need way to gradually migrate and that requires consensus… unfortunately all of us born into or inherit trust to government from birth.

Yes, it is true. But in the US they have their own processes and plans, supposedly it's all to do with CBDC (Central Band Digital Currency) but here in the EU everything is regulated too, maybe even more than in the US. The question is what will happen with decentralized exchanges?

If protocol is truly decentralized they will thrive... look at torrents

None of the big players like decentralisation:

  • countries don't like it because they can't control it
  • big corporations don't like it because they can't influence anything
  • not to mention the other big players in crypto, I mean the centralised exchanges and the 10-20 biggest crypto blockchains

So I think Hive (and thus all dapps) is in great danger. Right now it's still going because it's all small, but if it gets to some slightly bigger level they'll all try to destroy us ...
Well, I hope it won't be that bad anyway :)