Wednesday Walk, Corpus Christi - Dimitt Park (Dimwitt Park)! πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

in #wednesdaywalk β€’ 2 years ago


Hello Friends, and Welcome Back!
Wishing You a Very Blessed and Safe
(Mid-Week) Wednesday!

Thanks You to @tatoojay for initiating / running this, it gets Me around - which is a good thing!
And a big Thanks to @chocolatescorpi for the inspiration to go to this park this week!

So for this week's Wednesday Walk, I visited another Park this time in Flour Bluff, the section of Corpus where I live.
This park is called "Dimitt Park", us locals call it "Dimwitt" Park. πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

I have posted from here before, but since they "rebuilt it and tore it up and rebuilt it again - in a year ( happens a lot here..πŸ€”), I thought we should take another look!

This is at the main gate, actually it's "closed for construction - again"... I went in anyways, not many workers to stop anyone..πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„πŸ˜
Under the sign is a fresh generation of,


"Coreopsis leavenworthii". Here one alone, they are also known as,
"Leavenworth's Tickseed"


There was also growing next to them was these little flowers. They are called,
"Indian Blanket - Gaillardia pulchetta", nice to see the wildflowers blooming again!


Across from the gate I found this "Ibis" pair hanging around and taking advantage of the new "baby fish (bait fish)" canals they built here everywhere.




The canals (I guess) must have been approved after everything got finished so... They tore up all the new streets and parks and put them in.

In the end a plus for the ecosystem, as the idea is that bigger fish cannot get in and eat them. Of course it does make it "easier" for those who catch them to sell to bait stands...πŸ€”


And a view out into the "Intercoastal Waterway",


And the new rockwall's they built up around the shore...


And the new (twice) fishing pier. It is long because as you can see from the photos - it's pretty shallow, and except the ship canals it's like that all the way to Mexico. If you can swim across the canals, you can walk the whole way just about 50 feet out!


Thank You for Visiting and wish You and Yours an Awesome rest of the week!
Stay Blessed and Safe, Always!

All images copyright,
Β©2022 LesMannArt
No Commercial Reproduction,
Without Written Permission.

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So glad to see you re-joined us here having our world wide weekly Wednesday tours!

That actually looks like it's going to be a nice place (eventually) when all of the green grows and the ecosystem gets into balance again- as long as they leave it alone long enough to do that anyway...

Great to see you here again and I'm so glad I was able to re-inspire you to get out and about and share your part of the world with us!

Have a wonderful res of the week and we will see you again soon!
Until then, stay safe and be awesome as always!

Hello There and Thank You so Much!
Yes I am "transitioning" from doing only images
here to other things as well.. It's a little bumpy, but I see it does pay off!
He he he!
You know, Your a Marvelous Person and definitely inspiring!
Stay the Absolutely Awesome person You are,
and stay Safe so that You can!
Have a Great Friday, and catch up with You soon!

I look forward to seeing you're new creations!
And to get perfection, you need to make flaws, otherwise, how will you ever get the motivation to reach higher....

Have a wonderful weekend and speak soon!
With love from Indy and me...

indy asleep.png

Say "Hi" to Indy for Me!
(*You have Me speechless)!


Beautiful photography. Love the light in this images.

Thank You, it was gray actually, but...
I was in a mission so it had to work!
Thank You again and have a Very Awesome Friday!
Stay Blessed!

Dimwit park :) that gave me a chuckle and what a cool park it is

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

That's a nickname from the times when it was a lot wilder here than it is now! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„πŸ˜
But.....the Oasis and Leaping Lizard bars are still right across from the street to the park, I am sure some "Dimwitt" things still go on, though I have not been in either for over a decade!
You have an Awesome Thursday and Thanks Again!

Bars and dimwits tend to go together well lol

You to have a great Thursday

Yes they do!
Thanks and U-2!

Interesting to see so much construction, and reconstruction, going on. lol You would think that taxpayers would become quite annoyed with all of that rather quickly.

I do appreciate the canals,m though, and the potentially positive impact on the local birds and fishing stocks. The Ibis look quite happy with their fishing spot, regardless of the building activity that might be going on around them.

Thanks for this look into your Texas community!


Thank You as well!
It seems to be "the way they do things, here"...πŸ€”
I have seen things take years that would take 3
months in NJ or NY!
And yes, there are taxpayers who are quite annoyed,
to be honest...
Unfortunately seems they only tell me - and each
This is still, one of the most beautiful places I have ever lived and in part this contributes to that, so they say!
You have a Wonderful Saturday and Thanks Again!