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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 46: Your first... [win hive for your comment]

in #weekend-engagement • 3 years ago

Somehow I see myself in you, but easier task with the first time doing presentation to call investors 😆 After that I met a mentor, she told me that everybody is the same you as a soul. The soul is always pure and equal... they will not eat you 😄


Excellent advice from your mentor, certainly at the time I saw myself as weak and small in front of those judges, I didn't see them as "equals" at all.

But now that I see it, it seems obvious and I'm sure they wouldn't eat me, hahaha 😅

Haha, that's true! They are also soul 😄 I am glad that you got more powerful now, we always learn and improve day by day. Stay Safe wherever you are 💕

Thank you! Blessings ✨🤗