Thanks to the sponsors for the prizes, much appreciated!
My entry for the week:
It’s got two of my most prized possessions. The necklace was given to me by my grandfather. He gave me two of them but I fucked up and lost one, but this one is important. I haven’t taken it off for years. The charm is the Italian horn, but everyone just calls it the Italian pepper because it looks far more like a pepper than a horn. He had never been to Italy before and that’s where our ancestors are from so he went on a trip and bought two necklaces from a vendor in Florence. He gave me one and wore the other one that you see now. He had it on for many years before he decided to give it to me and since then I haven’t taken it off. Unfortunately he died a few years ago so it makes it a bit more sentimental for me now, given he wore it but is no longer with us. I’m hoping to give it to our son when he gets to be a responsible age in his 20’s, passing it down like it was to me.
The other part is my wedding ring. My beautiful wife and I picked that out after we got married. We did things a little differently, I wore an engagement ring as well so bitches know to keep away! Lol then once we got married (in Vegas, complete with Elvis marrying us, awesome right?!) we went to this small wholesale jeweler and got this ring for dirt cheap but we both loved the design, with the wood inlay. I now have 3 rings, the engagement ring, the wedding band and our recent 5 year anniversary we got another one (that doesn’t fit as well but looks sweet).
Two legit favourite items!
You know, it's been interesting to see here that most people have come up with an item that has sentimental value rather the and real monetary value. A nice story being the necklace and the wedding ring mate. Thanks for sharing.
A god thing that you put on an engagement ring...No telling what would have happened if dem ladeez didn't know someone had claimed you for their own! Smart.
I'm all about sentimental value in my wiser years. It was a bit of a debate between the necklace and the flag that we bought when we ourselves were in Italy. The necklace has more sentimental value but the flag does have a lot as well.
It's funny, my sister is engaged to a real scum bucket and he thought I was stupid for wearing an engagement ring myself. Now that my sister is engaged to the prick I told her he should wear one and he made it very explicit he will not be. Class act, that chap! I rather liked the concept of men wearing an engagement ring. I got a lot of talk at work about it and all the women I worked with loved the idea. I want others to know my wife is taken why not let them know I am? Modern times!
Sounds like you've got some fun times ahead with your brother in-law, although if he's such a tool-bag chances are she gets rid of him before it goes too far.
I never wore an engagement ring, but I know a few guys who did. Nothing wrong with it.