I did it:
All Topic contents are Welcome. All Welcome*
*Except Plagiarism , SPAM , Hated Speech , NSFW , Racism , ( If misuse, I will ask you to remove the usage of the Tag , follow by a warning, then Flagged. or even straight Flagged if I find inappropriate. )
Highly Recommend Original Content.
Do not Copy-Pasta.
You can interacting with each others, you will never know you will find new followers.
This #whalepower #whale-power Tags not necessary to be the first tag , it can be the last tag.
Reblogged and spread the words #whalepower across as far as you can.
Always remember to source your images and provide any references you used for your post.
so i just used the tag in one of my original posts, is that ok?
good work
You are starting to SPAM my page.
Have you Read the Guidelines?