- The Whalepaper - 1st Edition -

in #whaleshares7 years ago

The Whaleshares Whalepaper

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Job well done! Beautiful! Upvoted and Re-steemed!

After 11 hours, it's hard to believe I'm the first and only person to comment on this. Especially considering the weight you carry over here. I'm a STEEM witness and have very loosely been paying attention to WLS. Seeing this helped, a lot. Nobody could really tell me what it was all about and now I know its a BTS chain built platform. My question is, if I already have a BTS account, and already have some WLS (if they are the same and have carried over), do I then have stake in an account on whaleshares.io already too?

Posted using Partiko Android

Sweet thanks Fuzzy, I have to read it. 😎

Posted using Partiko Android