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RE: Steem Witness Basic Training!

This is very informative post. I always wondered about the witnesses and how to become one. You have explained it in detail. Although I am not able to understand this in one reading, I will read it again to know everything about how witnessess work. Thank you sir. :)


Salman thank you for your words of encouragement here! Would you please vote for me at because that one vote of support will last indefinitely?

Sir, I have already voted for you. You're the best and I know it since the first time I read your posts. I don't need thank you for that by the way :) WIsh you good luck @jerrybanfield :)
I have a written a post about you. I'll be glad if you read it please.
Here is the link.
Thank you :)

Thank you very much for your vote! I will read your post!