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RE: Call for witness support

I don't understand a lot of this but I saw you were well rewarded since you have joined the platform, in some projects you lose and in some you win.(and, in general, you won so much compared to others) that this complaining thing....I had only voted from one person as witness(as far as I know because I don't understand a lot of this): Jerry Banfield....I tell you why I voted for him: He was a successful youtuber when he joined, he attracted his followers on youtube to steemit, he invests a big portion of his gains in facebook ads to bring people to steemit, he has a very good attitude, he is genuinely humble and good person, he was unsucessfully flagged strongly and insulted and whatever and he didn't even complained....he keept posting.....his wife joined the blockchain, invested 15000$, was highly insulted and flagged...and he kept a good attitude...Attitude is everything....This project advances if good hearted people are in power......that's the most important: having good hearted people around: in your work, in your life, wherever. Free market is spread your votes because you are too busy with other projects to be choosing how to invest your votes in other way, not because you are a very caring and good soul..... you follow Curie and other things that, in my opinion, are bad for the platform because they only vote for their's only an image of goodness and fairness but it's a very very very very very bad project for the platform and you support it. Technical skills are important but you were well rewarded for have a loss probably because of your Pevo project that is YOUR AMBITION, YOUR DREAM, it's not to help others and I think has no future because the real scientific research will be done in garages or hackingspaces, biohacking groups, etc, with little or no funding.....because research institutions are corrupt. In other projects you make a lot of money, you have a gambling project that didn't require that much of an effort but you made a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT with it......and it's ok...because free market is ok....I don't make money here but I don't complain.


Wow, so many assumptions, I don't even know where to start. At the top is a good idea I assume.

  • there's also a lot of valid criticism about Banfield, but I understand your reasoning to vote for him.
  • I made a lot more in rewards with my previous bot.
  • curie may make some mistakes, like any big group, but then imagine a platform without them
  • technical skills are what keeps the whole thing running. Without them, marketers wouldn't have anything to market. The public node I run is my second biggest cost factor, for itself enough to cause losses
  • PEvO is a pretty neat use case for steem. I'm not a scientist, if I weren't involved here I wouldn't care. Also, where will hacking spaces and garages publish their results in a quotable and accessible way? We don't care about funding either.
  • all steemdice profits (the only project with an income stream btw) build the bankroll. If you consider the amount in there a "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT" of money for providing the service since more than a year I hope you find a job soon.

I don't want to engage in a discussion....I may agree with what you answered about PEvO....about all the other things I keep my opinion but, as I said, I don't want to engage in a discussion....Curie is not good for the platform, in my opinion, free market is good, posts and users are what keep the whole thing running....if there were not developers between users probably they would have to hire developers by themselves for nodes, etc, but it would still run.....maybe in a different way.....Everybody is necessary...and it's good there are all kind of people between top witnesses...that defends the interest of all users and not only developers' interests.

"I don't want to engage in a discussion"
You should've said this right away to save both our time.

I was not being a hater....I was speaking my mind and my heart...You face my opinions as a hostile act and further I don't want to be exchanging arguments asked opinions, I gave mine.....Peace!!!

you made a 500.000 USD worth account in 1 year....of course it's a lot of don't see many users making that amount.

As user, I prefer 1000 times this platform to be runned by people like Ned or Banfield than by people like you. I want this to be an awesome place, not a crappy place......You asked for honest criticism, I gave you mine.(It's what I really think deep in my heart) but you were not happy with criticism. Nobody will tell you what I told you because you are a whale and they want to be your friends...everybody will tell you you are the best person in the world and, by what I saw, it's what you want to be told...not the truth. Not all things can be expressed verbally but I have very good instinct for some things. People like you, that are focused and able to get things done and can make it very well for themselves are dangerous because people sometimes think because they have that ability, they should be also very good at seeing the big picture and telling the way to follow for others and then, people like you convince themselves about it. Dedicate yourself to develop things and let politics to people like Ned. Trust me......Good people are guided by God....If good people run the platform, this will be an AWESOME place. God bless you!!!