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RE: Witness Category #1. The "SteemGigs Witness" Aims At World Adjustment. There Is Nothing Like "Developing Nations".

" #steemgigs have had people offer their service even here on steemit in exchange of steem. The community comprising of more than 3000 steemians have formed home for many who have wanted to apply their expertise to testimonial use in helping "steemians" build their dreams."

Yes am one of those 3000 and steemgigs means more than family to me..
I keep wishing it's possible to vote @surpasainggoogle as my witness more than once cus you deserve more than just one vote from me for the good things your doing for steemit community.
Your mom would've been more than proud of you.
Trust me she's up there, smiling at what you arer positively doing.
Trust me, she is happy with you.