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RE: Witness Category #1. The "SteemGigs Witness" Aims At World Adjustment. There Is Nothing Like "Developing Nations".

Like you I always say that everyone has somethng to offer. The Philippines setting is hard and not everyone has access to the resources to creat great blogs such as photographers, artists and writers. It leaves the laymen with a decreased capability to rise up the ladder here in steemit. I couldnt be more comverned with those who have something to offer yet not enough means to do so. I fully support you and your advocacy. This is why I am making my own clay art contest so everyone can have a chance at getting SBD, even children in steemit. We all want a share 9f that reward which is why we need to providr ways for others to get their share of it.

I am in full support of your work. You have already been voted as my witness amd will forever be a witness for me


Good luck with your clay art contest!

Thanks so much @leeart!