I am kind of indifferent about the other proposed changes but I can not accept the idea of 50/50 author and curation rewards.
It may incentivize curators and may be will increase votes in worthy authors but I don't think it will affect self-voting.
If I self-vote after 15 minutes I can still have nearly 100% of my rewards. Producing good quality content is expensive, an author may get more votes but will he/she get 50% more votes (votes here is not quantity but rewards)? I am not sure. So, reduction in quality content.
It may incentivize investment powering up, but that also incentivize use SP to vote for curation i.e. curation bots. We may see some bid bots go away but we may also see this new types of bots.
If you'd self-vote on your posts and they will result in a high payout then it's useful. But you could vote on other posts with the chance of even higher payouts.
And with 1-3 free downvotes per day, the risk is higher for people downvoting your posts if you post bad stuff.