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RE: Call for witness support

Isn't it weird, that those who do the most for others, a group or a service brag the least about it?

I feel the same way as you do about self promotion, because as an artist, I normally think, my work should speak for itself... like you seem to think as well. Unfortunately in our world today its much more about campaigning and promoting something than the actual service or "good", which is more than annoying, when you feel surpassed for the wrong reasons.

I'm happy to read you curate manually and vote (in my humble opinion) for the right reasons. Was starting to feel stupid for rewarding content instead of going for curation rewards...

You appear like the person I want to see in the top 20 and from what I can see, you are there (again?).. my vote is tiny, but how did you say: every little bit helps in the long run

Since you asked for feedback.... and for whatever its worth..

Your witness post is a little... how should I say.. "technical". Of course it probably contains all the necessary information, but this also brings me back to the issue of self promotion.

Although my main job is being a painter (by the way, I appreciate your support here very much), I also organize exhibitions on a professional level. I have held many speeches at openings and what I have experienced is, that people need a little "color" in addition to the facts. I always tell my audience, that they can find the facts on the web and instead tell a story or an anecdote.. What I mean is, people want to see a person, not a list of accomplishments. Of course these are important too, but look at how politicians are elected... have you ever seen a poster in the streets with a list of what they have done? (if so, it wouldn't be without a big smiling face)

I for one would really enjoy an updated witness post with a photo or two (even if its just a look out your window or your dog.. if you have one) and some links with a bit of personal flavor...