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RE: Witness Update - @themarkymark

in #witness6 years ago

Appbase branch also gives the community unlimited post/comment editing instead of just 7 days.

Great news if not a year or two too late!

Will it also sort out the awful state of tags? It would be nice if somebody could search a tag and get content over 7 days old, or not to be told that there is no such tag just because the content put on there was over a week ago.

SBD is now around $1, I say around $1 not pegged to $1. I believe SBD is still free from its peg and is only around $1 due to the decline in price for Steem. If Steem raises over $1 I believe SBD will follow a ways behind until something is done about the peg.

So I'm guessing the whole 'witness-crashing-SBD-price-to-get-back-to-peg-price' was a complete and utter waste of time, and detrimental to the currency.

Well that's a surprise;


Thanks for the update man, still rootin' for ya :-)
