Wow!! This post is a must read for men and women. If both parties can strike a balance, then there will be less issues.
It helps when a woman learns to deal with her insecurities. Sometimes, men need space because of stress, family pressure and the ability for a woman to understand this and not take it the other way round sure helps.
Learning to enjoy your own company and feeling the void of loneliness with other things like reading, hanging out with friends, watching a movie or going for a show concert can really go a long way to brighten ones mood.
Also, complimenting yourself helps. The man's compliment should be a bonus.
Dear men, don't hoard your compliments. After all, it was your toasting lines that made us felt the love and decided to say "yes " to your proposal.
Feminism is a beautiful thing.
It does not breed bitter women.
Feminists have a right to include "wife" as their bio.
Feminists have a right to love and be loved.
Feminists have the right to make their choices and be respected for it. Just like the men folk want to loved and respected for being a man #male ego#.
Thanks for this lovely post.