25 Ways to Waste the Ideal Women's Heart to Fall In Love

in #words7 years ago

How to melt a woman's heart is not easy but also does not mean impossible as long as you are a good man who seriously approached a woman then it is not difficult to melt his heart. Unfortunately, if it is related to the feelings and hearts of a woman, it is not difficult, it is not always easy because reading a woman's mind is not easy because they not only think with the brain like most men who tend to think logically but women are more likely to follow the feelings of his heart.

So it can not be difficult if you already understand how a man thinks with his brain and feelings. But of course as a man who always think logically, following the conscience of a woman is not an easy matter yet again there is a period where a woman becomes super sensitive that has nothing to do with the brain or his heart because there are times when the feelings of women are actually controlled by hormones. This usually makes every man very frustrated.

How to melt a woman's heart is not easy but also does not mean it's impossible not to get hurt her heart. Unfortunately, if it is related to the feelings and hearts of a woman, it is not always easy because reading a woman's mind is not easy because it not only thinks with the brain like most men who tend to think logically but women are more likely to follow the feelings of his heart.

So it can not understand how a man thinks with his brain and feelings. But of course as a man who always thinks logically, following the conscience of a woman is not an easy matter but there is a period where a woman becomes super sensitive that has nothing to do with the brain or his heart because there are times when the feelings of women are actually controlled by hormones. This usually makes every man very frustrated.

How to Melt the Heart of Women You Like

If you have a woman who occupies a special position in your heart surely do not ever delay to take a step forward or someone will first take herself from your side. But of course there are some considerations that are not easy to do one of them is how to melt the heart of women you like. The following steps may be applicable and at least give you a little courage that although it is not easy to melt the hearts of the women you love but that does not mean everything is impossible to do.

The first step

This first step is very important to do because by doing the seven steps below you will have some basic information about the woman you like. Without that information it will be difficult for you to melt his heart.

Understand Your Position in His Heart

Before beginning to melt his heart it is important for you to understand your position in his heart whether just a friend who just know him, a close friend or he also has an interest in you. By knowing your position in his heart then you can set the right strategy to melt his heart. If he is interested in you while you begin to approach him only as a friend then instead of melting, he might be disappointed.

Recognize its Nature

Love is sometimes blinding but knowing the true nature of the woman you love will not only change the way you look at her but also give you direct access to her heart. By knowing his true nature for example he is the type of person who is quiet but when chatting the things he liked he turned into a more active person, of course this is to benefit you.

Find Out about Everyday

Instead of being a stalker but of course before you approach and melt his heart, you should also know what his daily activities, do not weird enough to know just for example he is a college student or already work and find out he works where will make it easier for you to approach him. Easier if you already know him as a friend who must know exactly what everyday.
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Learn About Hobbies and Its Craze

This is important because women usually like men who consider their hobbies and interests attractive. As a first step, just because you want to attract and meluluhkan your attention You also follow-lik like the things he loved when in fact you do not like. Just find out and learn the basics and do not cheat yourself if you do not like to do it.

Try Approaching Some Close Friends

If you've been friends with him long enough, this is certainly not a problem but if you just know him try to get acquaintance with some close friends. They are a very reliable source of information.

Approach At Least One Of Their Families If It Can

If possible try to approach one of his family members, whether his sister, brother or if you are quite confident and close enough to the woman you like, can start approaching his parents, especially his mother. That way your step to melt his heart will be easier.

Find out about the type of guy he likes

It is not easy to find out about the type of man he likes, therefore it is important for you to approach his closest friend or relative. That way you can find out the type of man like what he likes for example he likes a man who looks neat or he does not like long haired man or the like. Do not be discouraged if it turns out he really likes handsome and rich man when you are actually quite handsome and not rich enough because all women are so.

Step Two

The second step focuses on you, although it is important to be yourself, but if you change your appearance slightly to fit the type of guy he likes and as long as it has a positive impact on you and not exaggeration why not?

Fix Yourself

Do not think about doing plastic surgery just because it turns out the woman you love likes Korean oppa-oppa. Just being a better person and looking more attractive is enough. Because after all you want to melt the heart of women you like, you still have to be yourself.

Be a Self-Confident Person

Confidence is the key, if you just do not believe in yourself how you might be able to melt his heart. So it should all start from yourself even if you are too nervous because women do not like men who are too confident because their impression becomes arrogant.

Be a Reliable Person

Be a reliable person, no need to be a super hero who saves the world enough by giving the impression that you will always be there for him and most importantly, women love the feeling of security. Make him as safe and comfortable as possible if with you even though your current status is only friends or acquaintances.

Make Yourself Attract Attention

Although some say that love comes from the heart but it never hurts to spoil his eyes first before love blossomed. Again there is no need to change your identity, just paying little attention to your appearance when with him is enough. If at first you are a cool person and do not care whether the clothes you wear tangled or not, from now on try to always wear clothes that are ironed.

Learn About Hobbies and Its Craze

It's important for you to find out about her hobbies and passions even though you do not have to go along with the same hobby unless you really want to do it. For example, the woman you love likes to play, if you really want to try it, then there is no harm in doing it but if for example the woman you love to cook, you do not have to follow-up so like cooking but you may tell her that you like to eat.

Start Building a Good Communication With It

Although your current status and self are only friends, it never hurts to start a good communication. Ask about it occasionally, remind her to bring an umbrella when it's a cloudy day. Little inconsequential little things like that one day will be remembered by him.

Be Mysterious But Do not Sell Expensive

Establishing good communication is important but also do not look too excited, still be a mysterious person. For example today you can send a short message asking for news but do not do it every day, although you really want to do it, women love to be curious by men although initially he did not like you more than just friends.

Do not Be Too Eager Shows Your Fondness To It

As mentioned in the previous point, do not show your likes excessively but also do not hide it too much. Pulling is important when you want to melt a woman's heart.

Third step

If in the second step you already feel steady then it's time you go to the third step that is starting to melt his heart by doing the following things.

Be Someone Always There For Her

This is the first thing you need to keep in mind when you've got into step three. That means your relationship is getting closer, he has started to reply to your short message without delay and sometimes he himself initiative to contact you then it is time for you to be someone who is always there for him. Make sure you are always around whenever there is a good chance that when he was happy especially when he was sad, except he was moodian because of STD, it never hurts for you to make a little distance.

Learn To Be A Good Listener

Women love to be heard even though sometimes some of the things he says do not make any sense to you. Moreover no matter how weird you are not obliged to give enough comments by being a good listener is enough. Guaranteed woman you like will begin to melt little by little because now she has someone to hear her complaints.

Always Being Polite

Be polite both in terms of words, deeds and attitudes, but that does not mean you should not be gentleman. You may occasionally grab hold of his hand especially in public places when you think he is safer in your hands but be manly when no one is around you. Women will melt quickly if you act so because he feels safe with the people around him or just with you.

Do not Hesitate to Praise it

Women like to be praised so do not hesitate to praise her at every opportunity but you also have to be smart because women know when you are not seriously complimented her because it will only make her disappointed.

May Never Give a Surprise

In addition to praise, women also love surprises. No need to be strange or expensive, a cup of coffee kesukannya on his desk one morning is enough to make her smile and remember you.

Show Your Interest To Some of Its Craze

As written on point number 12, it's time you involve yourself into the things he loves. You do not have to like or be joining in with the same hobby but just by participating and understanding what he is doing is enough to make him melt.

If Knowing Family or Friends Ask Their News

It's important for you to get to know some friends or family because by occasionally asking about their news, it means you not only remember him but also the people around him whom he loves.
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There's no harm in being ragged once in a while

Women must say that does not like the words of rags but basically all women are very embarrassed when digombali with people who like it so do not be shy to occasionally behave rags and make her blush.

Never Be Too Late or Deny When Promised

Being on time and not breaking a promise is a pledge you must make to yourself if you want to make a woman you love to lose. Women may be famous for rubber clocks but the thing they hate most is made waiting by men.

Do not ever lie

If you do this one time then it is hopeless for you to melt his heart so remember to never lie even one kalipun no matter it is white lie or not.