The worst was about to happen, after having passed a scare with the roar of the tiger, the discomfort of the stings of the mosquitoes and the cold that had passed being inside the river all day, there were still more rages that had to pass.
The next day, I went early to Zino's house to clean the gold, weigh it and divide it into equal halves, I am surprised that the cousin had already cleaned and weighed the gold, he told me.
- Zino: Cousin, how are you? look here is the gold we took yesterday, only this was left, the rest was mud that had stuck, there were two grams of gold, one for you and another for me.
- Me: Conchale but yesterday you could see a lot, I thought it was going to weigh at least five grams.
Obviously he had stolen from me, since he didn't wait for me to clean the gold. At that moment I was embargaba a great rage, but then I thought <<That happens to me as an asshole, because last night I had to clean the gold with it and divide it once and for all, without thinking about my tiredness>>.
I grabbed my share of the gold and immediately went to sell it to buy food, we had about a week my wife and I without eating well because I had not made much profit in that week.
The next day when I wake up, my wife wakes up and tells me something worried.
- Natasha: Love be careful today when you go to work at the mine, because I dreamt that you and Zino were trapped like in a hole.
- Me: Don't worry, love, I always take care of myself every time I go to work.
Zino and I arrived to work at the mine, it was quite close to the town, about 45 minutes walking, this mine was called "El Escondido", there was no one working, since it was a Saturday and most of the indigenous people of the town are Adventists, that means that Saturday is their day of rest.
We started work very early, we installed the water pump and the implements to work with. We were close to the river, when an indigenous person arrived and began to speak with Zino, I didn't understand them very much, because they were speaking in English, after the indigenous person left, Zino told me in summary what he had spoken with the indigenous person.
- Zino: The Indian told me that beyond that, walking along the island, there is the body of a Venezuelan national guard, without a head.
The Indian says that the guard was last night in the "Cañamú" (a cave on Guyana's side) and began to fight with some Guayaneses and beat up one of them. In the early morning they took him out of the room where he was with a prostitute and stabbed him, put on the guard clothes he was wearing and then cut off his head and now he has just been left lying nearby.
My body went up as soon as I finished listening to Zino's words, I thought it was crazy what he had just said to me.
- Me: Let's get out of here, come back tomorrow or the day after, what do you say?
- Zino: Don't worry, we're going to keep working, that's not with us, things like that always happen here and nothing happens.
Well, I listened to him and we continued working, it was about 3 p.m. and we had forgotten what the indigenous man had told us.
- Zino: Get down, hide!
- Me: What happened, why?
- Zino: Here comes a boat from the guard, quickly disconnect the water pump and hide it in the bush, quickly!
I immediately ran out, crouched down, unplugged the water pump and hid it quickly in a bush near the river bank. I didn't have time to hide the other tools when Zino yells at me.
- Zino: Run, run, here comes the guard.
I ran after him, without seeing where we were going, we entered the thickest part of the jungle, we ran and ran without looking back, then we got into a hole and covered ourselves with some branches. We could hear the voices of the military, the noise caused by their boots walking on the leaves on the forest floor.
We waited about 30 minutes and no longer heard anything, we left there little by little and without making noise, then we climbed to the top of the mountain and we could see that the military were leaving in the boat. We quickly went down to the place where we were working, we gathered our things and we finished hiding all the tools, we immediately left the place. Again I said to myself <<Who the fuck sent me for this pod!>>
I hope you liked this anecdote that I wanted to share with you my dear friends of @steemit. If you like the story give it a vote, then you will be supporting me.