What Is The Structure Of a Good Research Paper

in #writing2 years ago

When students begin their college studies, they are often tasked with writing a research paper. Before starting work on it, it is necessary to study the requirements for it and the structural components of such a paper.

The structure of a research paper

The structure of the scientific text includes an introduction, main body, conclusion, and IMRaD (introduction, methods, results, discussion). Depending on the type of scientific text, the following structural elements are used: title – attracts the attention and interest of the reader, indicates what to expect from the article; abstract – summarizes the main content of the work; content – provides information about the main sections, subsections of the work, in particular, the introduction, conclusions to the sections, a list of used literature, appendices and page numbering; a list of conventional designations.


The introduction reveals the state of the investigated problem, defines the goal and task, substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, and indicates the object, subject, and research methods. In the introduction, it is worth paying attention to the level of development of the topic in the literature, highlighting debatable issues and unresolved problems. It is advisable to write the introduction after the main part of the work is written. The structural elements of the introductory part are as following ones: goal and task – the goal of the work and the tasks that must be solved to achieve it are formulated; relevance of the topic – the relevance and expediency of the work for the development of the relevant field of science is substantiated. Object and subject of research – the problematic situation chosen for study is revealed; research methods – a list of research methods is provided, which allows you to verify the logic and acceptability of these methods.
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The main part

The main part – contains the research methodology, and describes the main stages of the conducted theoretical and empirical research. According to the content, the main part is divided into chapters and subsections. All sections must be logically connected. Each section or subsection should have the following scheme: a short introduction, facts, and their description conducting research based on the selected scientific methodological apparatus, and summing up the results.
Structural elements of the main part: research results and their discussion - obtained results are summarized and discussed, unresolved issues are analyzed and compared with previous studies; the scientific novelty of the obtained results – the degree of novelty of scientific provisions, the difference of the obtained results from previously known ones is described; the practical significance of the obtained results – information on the scientific use of research results and recommendations on their practical application are provided; literature review – an analysis of the work of researchers who worked on the chosen topic is carried out.


Conclusion – the results of the research are provided, which explain the solution to the problem, and development prospects for further research are offered. In the conclusion, it is necessary to note not only the positive things that were discovered as a result of studying the topic but also the shortcomings and problems.
The list of sources used is the list of sources used during the preparation of a scientific paper.
Appendices – may contain methods, calculations, intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas, tables, instructions, protocols, test reports, algorithm descriptions, and illustrations.
