in #writing7 years ago


A few years ago I asked God for wisdom, I desired to be wiser than any man now living and I got it.
As years passby, I hate wisdom, because it is fast becoming a reproach to me.

I tried as much to make people see and understand that I am blessed with the right knowledge, which I convert to wisdom and also teach them, knowing it will help them, but all I get is rejection and haughy tag.

I get mad when people don't take my wisdom; they say I am always right and must accept being wrong for once, even when they know I am right, but I know what I have and give them is not just an opinion, but wisdom from original source.

As I grow in wisdom, I get angrier, because my wisdom appear as folly to people and they will not take them.
Somehow they are so blind and their folly appears like wisdom to them.

Some knows the values of what I have, but they prefer to have and use them for their own good and give me no credit. These guys are really the wise ones, doing what I should have been doing.

They take my wisdom and reject me, because I was foolish enough to let them out free of charge.
No one pays for what they can get for free.

This makes me think I was doing something wrong.
I needed more wisdom to discover what it was and
I discovered it.

It is stated in this fact: "to become the wisest man in the world, one must know more than any person, how to live with fools, profit from them and never make them suspect they are foolish."

This look like the hardest thing for me to do, because of my faith in God, but to gain for my wisdom in whatever form, it is the only way out.

This procedure is simple: make the fool believe he's wise, so he will never think he's foolish or fight you over your wisdom.

It now occur to me, so clearly, that the worst mistakes I have always made, which has prevented me from gaining from my abundance of knowledge is in the fact that I always let the fool know he act foolish.

With that in place, I will never earn from my wisdom, talk less earning from people's folly which brings even more gain.

My duty in life is not to make the fool wise, except he's willing and ready to pay the price demanded; the essence of my wisdom is for me to profit by it in whatever form.

With his discovery I can now profit from what God has blessed me with.I am right now willing to profit by it.

Thank you for reading.

Yours Sincerely,