"You" - A Poem

in #writinglast year

Who's going to give you
What you want
What you need
Regardless of what it might be
Without you having to ask
Twice or more
No matter what it is
You've been wishing for
Who holds the keys
To making "yes" a certainty
No more nos
Or maybes
Or could haves
Would haves
But sorry
Just can't
It's you
So take that stand
Take it from
Your own hand
Plan it with your own mind
Forge the path
You want to find


Help is great. It can mean the difference between success and failure or a decent outcome and an extraordinary one. I guess I tend to believe that help should be something we welcome but not necessarily depend on because it may not always be available at the times it's needed most. Perhaps that's my lone wolf nature or some unresolved issues coming to the surface again but that's how I tend to see things.
