Game of the Neví - Chapter 51 - A'mara Books

in #writing5 years ago




(Majanday, cont.)

A’mara Complex

Too many boxes today, Jessten thought as the last box of Se-orna’s things was stacked next to the door. She looked at her own stack of boxes, preparing for leaving Joton tomorrow night. She already knew the ship that would depart in the early evening. Rami had even promised help getting her stuff to the boat – and had checked to make sure Towani would be ready to help her when she got in.

Come winter, she would experience her first snowfall, but somehow it seemed less exciting now.

Her heart felt heavy as Frey and Se-orna loaded a hovercart outside the door.

“Hey!” Se-orna said, embracing Jessten. “I’m not leaving the world – or even this town. I’m still A’mara, I’m still in this Complex. I just won’t live here every day.”

“I know...”

“I still think you shouldn’t give up,” Se-orna said. “Stay here. Make him see you more, until he has no choice except to admit what everyone else already knows!”

“I can’t...”

“I had to try!” Se-orna said with a shrug. “You won’t even be alone either. Kailey can have my room for real now.”

Jessten smiled, even as Kailey rushed in.

“Watch the news!” Kailey cried agitatedly.

Se-orna came back in with Frey as Jessten waved a hand to turn on the HPS unit. Then she sat in a chair as Se-orna and Frey took the couch and Kailey remained standing, pacing with nerves.

“Can you describe what happened?” the reporter asked an official.

“The body washed up near the mouth of the River Kri’joton earlier today, shazeknife wound to the abdomen. Due to the increase in gang fighting recently, and the weapon used in the killing, it’s being treated as a gang killing. Without further information, this death will go unsolved,” the official was saying.

“Do we have a name of the victim?”

“25-year-old Joneel Mern was a local mechanic until he got involved in the gangs. Some say he was Uugli, some say Neví, some say he was trying to get attention.”

“Sounds like he got attention all right! Thank you for your report.”

Jessten turned off the HPS unit. Kailey was visibly shaking.

Se-orna moved towards the kitchen and turned on the kettle. Frey resumed moving things onto the hovercart.

“Are you all right?” Jessten asked, putting an arm around the woman and guiding her to the couch. “He can’t hurt you anymore.”

“I suppose not. I didn’t want him to die though. I just wanted him to stop hurting me!” Kailey started crying.

A knock sounded at the door.

Jessten looked to see Rami and Ada coming in. She wondered briefly where the children were.

<They’re safe,> Rami reassured her mentally. “We heard the news,” the abári said to Kailey.

Ada sat on the other side of Kailey and pulled the woman into her arms, like she would Hira, Jessten realized. And it seemed to be exactly what the sobbing woman needed.

Se-orna brought a mug of tea over to Kailey, but had to put it on the coffee table, then she returned to helping with moving her things.

Jessten walked to the window, unsure what else she could do right now.

“I think Kailey has adopted Se-orna’s room already,” Rami said joining her.

“She already had. She’s been here since her very first night – when she was afraid of being alone,” Jessten said. “I told her she was welcome. Apparently, Se-orna is now betrothed to Frey.”

“Yes. It’s how the Yezidai work. When they share their bed for the first time, the armlet is put on her arm with his name or some special stamp that identifies him as the father of any resultant children. The armlet remains until they know whether she can bear him a child – at which point, it becomes permanent. It shows great love that she was willing to accept that when the Yezidai are not her tribe,” Rami said.

“Sounds romantic,” Jessten said.

“Each tribe has its own custom,” Rami replied with a shrug. “None are better or worse than the others.”

Jessten nodded.

“I’ve heard about how you worked with Laisen while I was gone. I’m proud of you putting your feelings aside to get the job done.”

Jessten nodded again, but she avoided looking at the abári. “How have I got things so wrong?” she asked, trying to keep the tears at bay.

“How so?” Rami asked.

Jessten didn’t reply.

“Are you still planning to leave?”

“Yes. I think I’ve managed to reach my goal – I will win the tournament tomorrow. I think I’m good enough for my silver badge if you come. Then, I will leave for Towani tomorrow night. I can’t stand this anymore.”

“I will come to the tournament to watch you gain your silver,” Rami promised with a sigh. “I will be sorry to see you leave, but I understand.”

“Can you?” she asked.

“My job includes being able to put myself into the shoes of others. I cannot imagine having to go through the pain you’re enduring right now. Your behavior has been exemplary. I’ll see if I can scare up another badge to give you – just for the way you were while I was away. You’ll make a good abári someday yourself,” Rami said.

“Honestly? I don’t want to be an abári. I just want to be happy. I want a family full of the next generation of A’mara,” Jessten replied.

“I hope you get your desire. You’re a wonderful young woman and I’m proud to have been such a part of your life. Now, get some sleep. Things always look darkest at night, and improve in the light of day.”

“Good night, Rami,” Jessten said as the woman left the room.

“We’re going too,” Se-orna said, coming over for a hug.

“You’re going to be at the tournament, right?” Jessten asked, looking at Frey as well.

“We wouldn’t miss it!” Se-orna replied.

Frey gave her a hug as well. “You’re going to win tomorrow. I just know it. Even if he decides to fight you.”

They left.

Ada was still comforting Kailey, so Jessten went back into her room, feeling very alone.



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Other Chapters of this set

Birth of the Neví - Chapter 1 on Whaleshares

Name of the Neví - Chapter 1

Mind of the Neví - Chapter 1

Game of the Neví - Chapter 1

Maps and Guides

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2019 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Asking @popcornexpress to bring popcorn!

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
verified author on Goodreads
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blogging on: Steem, Whaleshares, WeKu, Hyperspace

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