Ocean of Empathy - Chapter 6 - A'mara Books

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Free content removed in order to meet Amazon requirements - please order your copy of Ocean of Empathy to read the rest of this romance!

Glossary Supplement

  • abári – (uh-BAR-ee) – the title for the local or global leader of the A’mara
  • A’mara – (uh-MAR-uh) - a sub-race of highly-gifted people on Terrenden, usually genetically-marked with red hair. Also the name for the country from which they originated, on the continent of Almara.
  • chola – (CHO-luh) - the (usually) teen-aged apprentice of a full A’mara.
  • flyppcard - (FLIP-card) - a small cartridge to fit into a flyppad to record information, often via a stylus.
  • flyppad - (FLIP-pad) - a digital reader and recording instrument, usually used with a stylus.
  • leya – (LAY-uh) – the invisible grid of energy that surrounds and comprises all things – which A’mara are trained to utilize.
  • maqla – (MACK-luh) - the teacher and mentor of an apprenticed A’mara.
  • PCS link - (PEE-see-ess) - a wearable (usually wrist-worn) version of a communications device, originally marketed by Portable Communications Systems, but now used colloquially for any such device.


Image Credits:

  • Cover art based on image from Pexels – creative commons, no attribution required.

  • Shaze based on a katana from Pixabay – creative commons, no attribution required.

  • Shaze chapter ender from Wikipedia Commons – used within terms of license – sword adapted for use as a shaze.

  • Grass texture for maps from Pixabay

All maps/editing by myself on GIMP and Photoscape, both free programs.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Although the penalty of knowing me in real life is that you will influence the creation of my characters; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2018 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen – A'mara Books & Viking Visual

Banner by @shai-hulud


Author's Commentary:
As I developed this story from the one about Ardin, I enjoyed creating the very different tempos... The much more active tempo (sort of the "norm" for A'mara Books, actually) of all the action with the A'mara and the Balan/Neví, but then the much, much slower tempo that is Ardin's normal tempo - one that is dictated by his self-sufficient lifestyle and the cycles of nature, rather than the demands of society. Ardin is actually very busy a lot of the time, but it's things that are either demanded for survival or that he enjoys doing for his monthly trip into Ilim City.
But do you get the feeling that his tempo is about to change?

I've also got to enjoy Belmara as one of my favorite "baddies" - and will be further developing her character in the future... and the past...

Wow loved the story mam.

Thank you! I hope you can catch up on earlier chapters.

yes sure mam

Nice story

Posted using Partiko Android

Ooh! Zidane is in Irola, how unexpected. I love the contrast between Ardin’s monotonous life and Belmara’s intrigue. It creates a good balance in the story.

Yes. Zilan just managed to head off to Irola before the end of the Rebound of Power chapters I shared last week. But he managed to ruffle a few feathers before he left Gaskarii.

You just planted 0.06 tree(s)!

Thanks to @viking-ventures

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Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Good support. I like this program.

Hullo! :)

I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you to write Chapter/Part Eight of a ten-part writing collaboration! You can find the latest chapter here -- https://steemit.com/makeastory/@kaelci/let-s-make-a-story-a-collaboration-storymaking-cabin-in-the-woods-chapter-7 -- as well as the links to the previous chapters... you have 7 days to add your bit to the story in a new post, or if you don't want to or have no time this week, that's okay! Just let me know and I'll nominate someone else.

(Thank you! ~ And I'm sorry to just barge in on your post.)