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in #xavbwv8v34 years ago


"【連載:発掘!スマホゲーム】 星の数ほどあるスマホゲームの中から、話題になっているもの、気になったもの、何か面白そう、そんなタイトルをひたすらご紹介していきます! 今回ご紹介するのは『対戦!デジタルゆびずもう』です。 発掘!スマホゲーム連載一覧 『対戦!デジタルゆびずもう』は、GLOBAL GEARより配信中の対戦型アクションゲーム。誰でも一度は遊んだことがある(であろう)「指相撲」がスマホで楽しめる作品です。"


2017年3月16日、キャンパスモデルデザインのモバイルノート「LAVIE Note Mobile」が発売されました:今日は何の日?

" 1kgを切るような軽量モバイルは20万円以上するのも珍しくないですが、約904gと軽量ながらも10万4800円前後という低価格で注目されたのが、「LAVIE Note Mobile」。"


NASA warns Moon base plans might slip by a year

" NASA's dreams of returning to the Moon with a permanent presence might have been overly ambitious. The agency's human exploration lead, Doug Loverro, has warned that plans for the lunar Gateway could be set back by a year or more as NASA reworks its design an…"


Airbnb expands cancellation policy to cover stays affected by coronavirus

" More than a few travel plans have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak, and Airbnb is acknowledging that with a broader cancellation policy. The service is expanding its worldwide Extenuating Circumstances coverage to allow no-penalty cancellations for …"


Google says nationwide coronavirus website is in development

" President Trump misspoke when he said Google was developing a national screening and test result site for potential coronavirus patients (that's just Verily's Bay Area pilot for now), but there was apparently a degree of truth involved. In a series..."


After Math: How COVID-19 is already clobbering 2020

"Welp, we had a good run, America. While every other developed nation on the planet scrambles to defend itself against the deadly spread of COVID-19, the US had to be dragged into fielding a response. This year everything is cancelled. Schools have been shutte…"


'Minecraft' library helps you dodge news media censorship

" There are numerous ways to evade censorship of the press, but it's getting increasingly difficult when countries like China and Russia are cracking down on VPNs and similar tools. Reporters Without Borders thinks it has the answer to those mounting obstacles…"


'Minecraft' library helps you dodge news media censorship

" There are numerous ways to evade censorship of the press, but it's getting increasingly difficult when countries like China and Russia are cracking down on VPNs and similar tools. Reporters Without Borders thinks it has the answer to those mounting..."


Redmi Note 9 Pro/Pro Maxが海外発表。クアッドカメラ搭載で2万円のコスパスマホ

" 中国シャオミのサブブランドことRedmiは、新型スマートフォン「Redmi Note 9 Pro」「Redmi Note 9 Pro Max」を海外にて発表しました。多カメラというトレンドを抑え、シャオミが重点市場としているインドをターゲットとした高コスパなモデルに仕上がっています。 両機種はまずはインド市場向けで3月中に発売されます。価格は、標準版に相当する「Redmi Note 9 Pro」が1万2999インドルピー(約1万9000円)から、上位版にあたる「Redmi Note 9"


Windows 10 的 Linux 内核将随着 version 2004 开放给一般大众

" 不用再等多久,Linux 内核就将成为 Windows 10 的标准配备啰!微软确认了 Windows Subsystem for Linux 2(WSL2)将随着 Windows 10 version 2004 一同到来,不过一开始的时候还是要手动下载安装,还要再等「数个月」的时间才会提供自动更新的能力。不过一旦开启自动更新后,它会直接透过 Windows Update 来进行更新,对于 Windows 用户来说应该是相当省事的选择。 WSL2 在应用时基本上可以视为一个轻量化的"

