I Thya-Tire of Her

She wears the pants in her family
Makes Salome dance when she has her chance
Sacrifices babies, her own children, who will taste death at His behest
He gave a countdown, now comes the beatdown

She cakes on makeup and she needs it cuz she ain't no 1 Peter 3
Definitely not 113, not like you and me
And when it comes to Prophecy she thinks she's all that
Here to mystify, hypnotize, blasphemize, tantalize, devise and scheme

But Psalm 37, He's comin' to get 'em
Practicing presence while He's got imminescence?
He walks amongst us and she still stalks amongst us
Crooking her finger with her devious, mischievous tongue
Slandering prophets with one foot in the world to come

She can't go where we go cuz we go where He goes and He goes where HE lives
And there's no Room for her at that Holy-Day Inn
Gonna have to settle for your spattered blood on the wall
The Seductress won't Conduct this
I know the Maestro and his pattern's perfection
He gave her time to repent, she didn't slow her direction

Now it's His resurrection
His returning for burning, dividing, upending, defending and eating
His dinners with sinners
Got His foot in the door but you're not knocking
Only pray when you're ad hoc'ing
Putting conditions on the All-Unconditional Love that God sent down from above

Free-for-all and all-for-one but narrow's the door
She's harrow-izing for sure
She's always grabbing one more
To make a man dead and poor
For those who rot while still alive
The perished, the uncherished, embarrassed
She don't carest, says she's the rarest, no widow
Says 'I am a queen'
Glorified herself, on her own shelf

The blood of prophets, He's got this
In one day she'll be off this
High horse that she rides like a beast of the fields
In her place where she should be
On a lovely bed of suffering and lettuce
Stuffing her face with the wine of adultery

Drink it until it comes out of your nostrils and you loathe it
Reject God's love and forgiveness and he'll give you each according to your deeds
Fair is fair in love and a 1000 year reign and war and wait! There's more!
Ready for justice? REAL justice? You sure? What chance does anyone have when nothing I've done warrants God's grace and mercy?
Yet be sure, real clear, crystal like a sea of glass?
She knows that she will not surpass that type of love

But they all try, got their numbers on their tryout jerseys, staying after school
To get schooled, dumped off at the pool, The Lake
Auditioning to be Stars
Falling, rehearsing, faking, redressing, impressing
Fake up, not taking up crosses, listening to Fatherly Final Bosses
Their losses, gathering no mosses, into the Fire He tosses
All those glossy skin-deep, vapid puddle, star-lets, harlots,
Like Christians in the Colosseum
Eaten by lions
Fiery scions who lied on, the Zion-less prophetess, mass arrest
Relevance, recompense

White linens clinging to martyrs waiting
While minions with dogs named Lucy debating 'Unfiltered'
'Lucy the 'Wonder' Dog!' comms, romcoms casting spells
On casting couches with evil directors with erectors erupting
From those pants she likes to wear in the family
Sacrificing children's virginities for tv, movie, netflix, buy this, seek this, find this

Tell me she doesn't exist


I'll Wait


Call me a dog. That’s fair enough.


Tell me I’m low cuz I’ve slept on the floor.
