Zappl App Mockup Sneak Peak 2 + Site Sneak Peaks

in #zappl7 years ago

Some updates of the current progress of zappl

Please make sure to share with everyone.

App update:

Below some website progression

Profile page:


Comments page:


wallet page:


First example of the encrypted private messaging system:


The Zappl Team

Our social media profiles and misc:
Twitter | Facebook | Discord | Patreon | steemitchat

Follow, Upvote, Comment, ReSteem, Share
@thedegensloth, @steemitqa , and @zappl



Wow it looks amazing and I love the detailing you have put in conversations, specially the chat looks amazing <3

Well thanks for noticing the details we have put in.
Production should be a whole lot better.

Can't wait to see it live :)
App will be there for both iOS and Android, correct ?

Yes ios,android and web but we are setting up the code it could do more.
Like windows app, Hololens app, Xboxone app and soon osx and we could do it pretty quickly.

Interesting, it's gonna be a massive release judging from the way it is planned :)

I guess you could say that!

Good luck with it :)

WOW, cool :) When will you start the plattform ?

Zappl is currently under heavy development but we should be releasing a post soon.

Cool :) @zappl you rock!

Well thanks.

You're making the killer app!

Basically, you're saying that my Twitter addiction can move over to Zappl?
Do our Steem logins work on Zappl?

Yes zappl floats on the steem blockchain so you will have no issues.

This is the big kicker - Love it!

Haha thanks!

Such win.

Or such fail! Jk

This is the best crypto project of the year IMO, & it's going to snowball very quickly, right from launch.

Top notch developments team Zappl, thank you for bringing this concept into reality.

Eagerly awaiting launch :)

Yep I think it will be too! Until www.steemhub comes along ;) haha

Well thanks for the kind words and support @yogi.artist

So sick really looking forward to the release, Also will there be a way to see the recent people that followed you instead of it going into alphabetical order?

There will be a notification list but we will look into filtering options.

Awesome, also will you be able to search for friends by user ID in the "Search Bar" to find profile?

Yes you will be about to search users and tags

Ohhhh yeahhh

The day you guys release this app and I am signed up is the day I convert another Bitcoin into Steem :D

Super excited about this app!!

Well good to hear you like it.

As a holder of ZAPPL, I'm quite excited to see how great this looks.

Well thanks!

zappl app looks incredibly cool...

Well thanks for the compliment.

Exceptional, Very nice progress! Thank you for keeping us informed!

No problem we look forward to showing everyone much more.

Looks great :)

Well thanks @leanvix

Thanks for the update. Very much looking forward to its full launching

So are we!!

omg, private encrypted messaging is what we HAVE BEEN NEEDING SINCE DAY ONE!!!!! Can we group people together in lists like Twitter? Those are the missing pieces

Yep encrypted private chat and private encrypted group chats, Group as in communities? Or as a list of people in a group?

a list of users, so I can group people in different projects

Oh that is something we can look into feature wise we are always open to new ideas and features.

I got pumped when I saw the private encrypted messages!! Saweeeet!!!

We know many users are looking forward to it.

I'm seriously looking forward to this.

So are we and as the project go's on so will many more.

Sweet, cannot wait!

Neither can we!

I can't wait for this! Thank you for all the hard work @zappl!

No problem and thank you.

Great job! When will this be available?

You guys are moving forward at a lightning pace!!

We got this!!

I am most active on Twitter and I would like to transfer that attention to @Zappl asap.
Upvoted and Resteemed.

Well thanks for the support.

"Twitter but better"! Love the design already altho I'm sure the next iteration will look even better. Not sure if it's by design but it has a strong "twitter clone" feel to it, at least that's what i think a non Steemian would feel looking at the UI without context before knowing about Steem. Personally I'd choose Zappl over twitter in a heartbeat no question asked that's for sure.

And am I reading too much into the countdown? 😏😏

For the most part yeah we went with something similar because its easier for people who are used to twitter or other micro blogging sites to adjust to. As Zappl gets bigger it will evolve pretty quick even design wise as new features come to the steem blockchain. Card styles are very similar on most sites these days do to trends of the year.

Great! Love that I know that now. This really is going to be big. Appreciate what you and the team is doing and we'll be waiting for more development!

Well thanks we look forward keeping everyone updated.

I'm looking forward to the official launch of @zappl.👌

Well thanks!

Looks really good, almost Facebook like. Should make new users transition to the steem blockchain seemless. You've got an exciting project coming along.

Can't wait! :D
The design looks awesome.

May I ask you what program(s) you used to make the app mockup?
Always looking for time-saving tools!

Pitying twitter already!

Pity partyyyyyy!

I am so looking forward to this! It looks awesome! Great work Zappl team!

Well thanks for the support @worldfamous

Keep up the good work, really nice!

Well thanks. @simoneb

Wow! This looks great. And the private messaging is awesome! Fantastic job guys!

I have one question, If I would post something with Zappl under my exyle username would it also appear on my Steemit blog or is it separate? I think I would prefer that last one.

Yes it will show up on steemit, but anything from steemit or any other site will not show up on zappl.
Its kinda up to other sites how they filter the steem blockchain data.

It's fantastic!
I have the same question. When the users I followed start using Zappl, then my steemit home page will be full of thier microblog short posts, right?
I would be great if we can choose to follow not only people but their post with certain tags on Steemit platform.

We can't do anything about that other services have to choose if they are going to filter content.

Thats awesome

We think so to!

Up voted and resteemed. Way to go. I still regret not being able to participate in the funding program. Good Luck zappl team.

Well thanks @tamsguitar

Wow, this looks fantastic.

It sure does!!
Also thank you.

nice :)

Oh yeah!

nice....your post deserve upvote and resteem....

Well thanks.

u r welcome....

Looks nice! I am looking forward to it.

As are we.

Thank you for the updates. Continued congrats to the Zappl team!
Things I like: I like the homage feel to two different platforms, both twitter and steemit. It's like they have a healthy marriage and gave birth to a bright young Zappl. The wallet is simple and familiar. Drafts and notifications? Yes please. I'm sure I'll think of something for the recent suggestion poll just to throw ideas into the conversation, but for now, I see a lot to like and look forward to!

Well thanks for the kind words we also look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Wow! DO IT!
Full STEEM ahead, that looks great!

Choo chooo!

looks really good and user friendly, can't wait to try it ;)

This looks great so far. As a @zappl investor it is great to see this kind of progress so soon after the end of the crowdsale. In this wild west world of crypto ICO's sometimes we wait weeks to see tangible progress, so it is refreshing to see things moving along handily! Keep it up!

Well thanks for the support!

Fo sho!

Looking good

Well thanks.

The only thing I'm not sure about with the GUI is that blue-to-white gradient.
Everything else is on point.

That is something that can be changed its more or less a place holder for now.

Resteemed & Upvoted 100%. So pumped about this.

Well thanks.

OMG! I can't wait for this to come out. I'm loving steemit but this (it's always a new this) but THIS seriously looks like a possible FB-smasher.... ::fingers-crossed::

We could only hope!