Brescia kembali mengganti Pelatihnya

in #zzan5 years ago


Good morning everyone. The coach's hot seat is gone again. This time it came from Brescia. They announced the sacking of his coach Fabio Grosso. Even though Grosso hasn't even handled a month in Brescia

After kicking Grosso, Brescia's manager again appointed a new coach, Eugenio Corini. Even though this is actually just an exchange because when Grosso as fia coach replaced Corini. Reportedly Grosso was also fired because of disagreements with their striker Mario Balloteli

Currently Brescia is in the Italian Serie A caretaker with only seven points.


Selamat pagi semua.Kursi panas pelatih kembali hilang. Kali ini datang dari Brescia. Mereka mengumumkan pemecatan terhadap pelatihnya Fabio Grosso. Padahal Grosso belumpun genap sebulan menangani Brescia

Setelah mendepak Grosso manajeman Brescia kembali menunjuk pelatih yamg baru yaitu Eugenio Corini. Biarpun sebenarnya ini hanya pertukaran saja karena saat Grosso sebagai pelatih fia menggantikan Corini. Kabarnya Grosso dipecat juga karena berselisih faham dengan striker mereka Mario Balloteli

Saat ini posisi Brescia ada di juru kunci Serie A Italia dengan hanya memiliki tujuh poin saja.
