changkun (54)in #cn • 9 years agoChangkun's calligraphy 长坤书法It's busy for me, so I just write two pieces of calligraphy with my brush. I'd like to share them with you. Thanks. 近日忙碌,仅写两幅, 共勉. 多谢. People in modern time are busy doing…changkun (54)in #cn • 9 years agoChangkun's Calligraphy September 4, 2016 长坤书法2016年9月 4日It's time for me to post my new calligraphy here. I hope you will like it. Thanks very much for reading. Mountain and Water 山山水水 Mountains and Rivers or Lakes 万水千山…changkun (54)in #cn • 9 years agoChangkun's Old Calligraphy 长坤书法仿古贴I wrote those before. I would like to show you here. Thanks. The Moon rises from the sea 海上生明月 Enduring as the universe, 天 长地久 There are always ways to go 天无绝人之路…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoChangkun’s Calligraphy: Li Bai, Two Things in One Life长坤书法: 李白一生两件事The famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai is well known to the world. Of course, His reputation is because of his poems. But I think that if you ask me for using the most concise text…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoChangkun's Calllgraphy written today 长坤书法今日书I write this Chinese Calligraphy today. I write a little bit more, because I have passion at this time. Hopefully you will like it. Thanks. 今天一高兴就多写了几幅,在此一并贴出来,供有兴趣的读者参阅。谢谢。…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoChangkun's Calligraphy with 3D Effects 长坤书法3D秀As I said in last post here in steemit, calligraphy is kind of arts. I have shown what I wrote in paper, took pictures or scaned them, made them becoming electronic…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoArt of Calligraphy 书法艺术Calligraphy is not just writing down the words. It's kind of art like painting, photography or other kinds of arts. If we combine calligraphy with other kinds of arts, it…changkun (54)in #story • 9 years agoThousands of Students Are Crying for Losing Their Beloved Transformers' BuildingThousands of students in Faculty of Engineering, Wuhan University, are crying for losing their beloved transformers building. That building has just built for 16 years and spent…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoThe Road 路All of the following Chinese Calligraphy are freshly written by me, I also do all the design and decoration as well. Some of the words below are asked for by friends or…changkun (54)in #poetry • 9 years agoTrace Back To Half-century AgoTrace back to half-century ago, I was a student of Valley High School. Though now, I am so old That my memories linger around a pool. Trace back to half-century ago…changkun (54)in #photography • 9 years agoTai Chi Boxing-----A Soft and Healthy SportTai Chi Boxing is a soft and healthy sport which was found during 17th century in China. Even though it is called boxing, it is actually very different with the traditional…changkun (54)in #cn • 9 years ago毛泽东诗词"沁园春·雪" 书法,朗诵及视频欣赏沁园春·雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰(另作:原驱)蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装(另作:银装)素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoIs This a Painting? 这也算画?The view of a mountain is not dependent on how high it is. It will be famous if there is the immortal spirit over there, no matter how high it is. 山不在高,有仙则灵.changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoChangkun’s Calligraphy----You Say, I write (No.CK001)Changkun’s Calligraphy----You Say, I write (No.CK001) 坤体书法,你说我写,有求必应 (坤字号001) Do you want to see or have a traditional Chinese calligraphy with the contents that you…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoThe Origin of Chinese Characters is Briefly Introduced from Twelve Chinese Zodiac SignsThe Origin of Chinese Characters is Briefly Introduced from Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs 从十二生肖入手,简述汉字起源 Oracle is one of the earliest found Chinese characters, evolved from…changkun (54)in #art • 9 years agoNew Calligraphy 新书法1. Mountains 山 2. Good luck and happiness to you! 吉祥如意! 3. An idle youth a needy age少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲. 4. No ridges cannot be passed over, no mountains cannot be…changkun (54)in #photography • 9 years agoNorth Carolina State Fairgrounds 2016 北卡州2016露天游乐场It's NC State Fairgrounds (May 20-22, 2016) in Raleigh, North Carolina, and it's one of the Festivals here in North Carolina. I went there May 21, 2016, and took those pictures…changkun (54)in #poetry • 9 years agoCorn Poppy 虞美人Corn Poppy Written by Yu Li, translated by Changkun Hu When the Spring flower blossoms no more? When the Autumn moon is no longer lighted? How much do you remember about…changkun (54)in #cn • 9 years ago长坤书法 墨迹刚干 Changkun's Calligraphy, The Ink is just Dried out.1. 自强不息 constantly strive to become stronger 2. 追梦 Seeking Dreams 3. 河山 Rivers and Mountains 4. 功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who is preparing for. 5. 花好月圆 blooming…changkun (54)in #arts • 9 years agoThe Sea and the Dragon