Changkun’s Calligraphy: Li Bai, Two Things in One Life长坤书法: 李白一生两件事

in #art9 years ago (edited)

The famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai is well known to the world. Of course, His reputation is because of his poems. But I think that if you ask me for using the most concise text to sum his life, I will answer by just two words "wine, poem". One of the ancients said: Li Bai made one hundreds’ poem after drinking one barrel of wine. It should be said that Li Bai's life was rather agreeable when he was alive. Traveling to a lot of famous mountains, rivers and lakes, he was always drinking some wine. It seems he was drunk, actually, he wasn’t. When friends visited him, they drank wine each other. When he was alone, he was just drinking wine himself, he just ask the Moon drinking wine with him. He put a piece of paper on the ground, spill out some water on the inkstone, moved the ink stick on the inkstone, picked up a large calligraphy brush, and then he drew something with that brush with ink in the paper, just like a flying dragon or a dancing bird. Something black and white was left in the paper. It is a poem, a real poem. The poem is spread through the ages. It was from the bottom of his heart. It is one poem that finished for just one or two minutes, for just one breath . Here I write down one of Li Bai's poetry to the readers. Hope you will enjoy it. Thank you very much. See you next time.

Talking with the Moon with a Cup of Wine in Hand

Translated by me, Changkun Hu

The Moon, how long have you been there on the blue sky?
I want to know the answer, with a cup of wine In my hand.
It’s impossible to visit the Moon for us.
But the Moon is always going with men.
Like a flying mirror shines on the house.
The Chimney stops smoking.
The Moon rises from the sea.
When the Sun disappears,
The Moon shows.
From Spring to Summer and then Autumn,
Who’s the neighbour of the Immortal on the Moon?
We can’t see the Moon that our ancestors saw.
But the Moon has already given our ancestors light.
The life of human beings is just like the running water.
Almost the same Moon in our eyes.
I hope, when I drink wine and sing songs,
The Moon is always with me.

唐代著名诗人李白举世闻名, 当然那得益于其诗作, 不过我认为如果用最简洁的文字来慨括那就是两个字”酒、诗”古人云: 李白斗酒诗百篇。应该说当年李白的日子过得颇为得意。 在世时游历明山大川, 一壶美酒似醉非醉。有朋则互饮,独自一人则把酒问月, 月下独酌。一张白纸随地一铺, 在砚上滴些水将墨錠一磨, 拿起一枝硕大的毛笔, 在纸上龙飞凤舞一番, 只留下白纸黑字。那就是诗, 真正的诗,是流传千古的诗, 是出自内心深处的诗, 是一气呵成的诗, 是一气浑成的诗。下面我抄录一首李白的诗词以飧读者。

<把酒问月> 故人贾淳令予问之
