lfugui (15)in #alphard • 2 years ago25th Mansion Star: α Hydrae, AlphardGoverns highway robbery, bridges, fords, piracy, kidnapping, textile dying, clothing and pigments. Favorable for real estate transactions and constructions of all types. But…lfugui (15)in #birds • 2 years agoBirds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise Surprisingly, the beautiful birds of paradise are relatives of my sullen ravens. Currently, more than 50 species of these magnificent birds are known. They…lfugui (15)in #natale • 2 years agoCome è nato Gesù18Così fu generato Gesù Cristo: sua madre Maria, essendo promessa sposa di Giuseppe, prima che andassero a vivere insieme si trovò incinta per opera dello Spirito Santo. 19Giuseppe suo sposo, poiché eralfugui (15)in #necromancy • 2 years agonecromancyContrary to what appears in folk tales, works of literature and anti-necromancy writings, in not one of the surviving magic manuals does the pact with the devil exist, or mockery…lfugui (15)in #slavic • 3 years agoLetter matrixOld Slavic initial letter matrix The Old Slavic language, in spite of everything, has preserved identical connections with the first pro language. It is a pure way of finding…lfugui (15)in #flood • 3 years agofloodRoco are common in the Old and New Worlds. Among the regions in which the theme of P. was not presented or received a rather random reflection, often in a highly specialized…lfugui (15)in #news • 6 years agoHuawei's struggle with the US government,who will be the winner?Huawei is taking the US government to court for its unconstitutional restrictions . Huawei said that the US government has been smearing Huawei, but has never provided any…lfugui (15)in #story • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——远交近攻人只有一张嘴,无论你多么有能耐也不可树敌太多。一次只骂一个人或者说是一种、一派人。如若是牵连太多就该示好,表明你无意牵连他们,否则他们一人一口唾沫都能淹死你。 骂人本身不是目的,是为了更好的社会,是行正义之事。乃是替天行道。lfugui (15)in #story • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——小题大作倘若遇上该骂之人有该骂之处,然而又是些小问题,不知道一骂,亦或是你所知不多不值得一骂,这时你便可以小题大做。放大他的小问题,等他犯下更大的错误,露出更大的马脚。 首先得诚恳且持怀疑态度的给对方下套,由无关紧要之处入手,切记环环相扣,逻辑要严密。只要他逻辑不严密了,就可大举进攻 骂的他体无完肤。lfugui (15)in #story • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——预设埋伏围棋中有句话叫做:走一步看三步。你骂他一句要考虑到他接下会说什么来回应你,然后在做好应对,这样你就能立于不败之地了。 亦或者你抢先把他的话说出来,这就像一个埋伏,之后就等着他自己出击了。而你把他的话说了,就如同缴了械一般,他失去兵器了就没有杀伤力了。lfugui (15)in #story • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——以退为进两人对骂犹如两军交战,思想上藐视对方,战略上要重视对方。 如若自己理亏,不妨承认,即便是道歉也无妨,这样更彰显自己的气度。将自己理亏之处遮掩过去,就可以重整旗鼓,去杀他个片甲不留。…lfugui (15)in #story • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——出言典雅骂人要骂得巧妙含蓄委婉,你骂了他要使得他不觉得是骂,等到回想起来这句话是骂他,让他面孔由白而黑,此乃骂人的上乘! 要达到这种目的,用词不可草率,典雅优美之词必不可少。语言优美能使听者身心愉悦。要骂得典雅,首要就是千万不可涉及到人的某个器官,总之便是不要涉及生理学范围。骂人骂到某个器官了,怎么说都圆不回了。…lfugui (15)in #cn • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——旁敲侧击骂人的最高境界就是让别人听不出来你在骂他,他甚至以为你在夸他,可能他还得感谢你! 俗话说的得好:咬人的狗不叫! 你要骂他不一定要粗鄙之语,可虚实交替,可真可假,但言辞真切。这样你骂起来还能显得你道德高尚!lfugui (15)in #cn • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——无骂不如己者无骂不如己者。显而易见骂比你弱小的人只能让你爽一时,但是骂比你厉害的人物却能让你吹嘘一辈子。lfugui (15)in #cn • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——知己知彼骂人与带兵打仗是一样的!兵法有云:知己知彼,百战不殆! 所以在骂人之前得两思: 一思对方是否值得自己骂!要时刻想着替天行道! 二思自己是否能承受得住对方的反击!如若不行,还有一句俗话叫:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧!lfugui (15)in #cn • 6 years ago骂人的艺术——教教诸位如何优雅的骂人!从古至今就没有不骂人的人。但是骂人也有一个道德标准,只骂该骂的人,行道义之事。骂人不仅舒服了嘴巴,还愉悦了身心,能让压抑的情绪得到释放。 但是如何优雅的骂人呢?骂了人还能让他感觉不出来!这是一门艺术