
I am truly sorry that this was your first introduction to steemit, this is not indicative of the site in general or the users for that matter - This is one person so please don't let this dishearten you on your journey.

I only wrote the post because I think people have a right to know what he said, I am not inciting action from others merely explaining my own actions regarding this issue.

This really isn't the normal situation and that is why this post is doing so well, people get he went way to far - again I am sorry this is your first impression.

Let me know if you need any help getting going, there are a lot of new user guides out there to help as well - you might also like to check out the discord chat room Peace Abundance and Liberty there are thousands of super friendly people in there to chat to or to get help or advice.

Good luck on your journey, steemit is amazing - the internet is full of trolls.