
I hope he is on your team and not just lulling you!!

Nighttime posting, outrageous!

What makes you think he's not trustworthy? The name? lol I thought it was clever and also another #1 hit on google, like all my art names are these days.

And dude I got everything finished and the draft ready for morning, and I fucking hit publish by mistake again. I've done that several times in my life now. So whatever. I'll just stay up all night...

Lol. I did think it was unusual that it was a night time one. I have done that before. Pain in the chuff.

Sports good to have those individual Google hits!

Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be the result of someone's typo! Maybe they'll come and tell me I'm the best accident they ever had!


Lol!! It's gonna happen. They are one mis-step away from finding your daubings !!!

Might signup to Hive just to ask wtf is going in that cover image!

It's all part of the plan.

Can't knock a wtf sign-up!!