Will EOS Overtake Ethereum? (English/Turkish)

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Which cryptocurrencies will be Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Nasdaq of the crypto world? To find the answer to this question, I've been trying to get to know and introduce crypto coins starting with the highest market value. I would like to focus on EOS which is the fifth crypto regarding market value today. You can access the previous articles of the series from the links below.

Which Crypto Should I Invest In? Is Bitcoin A Good Choice?
Should We Invest In Ethereum?
Ripple (XRP) Analysis
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash vs. Bitcoin Gold vs. Bitcoin Diamond vs. Bitcoin Private

Released on July 7, 2017, EOS managed to settle in fifth place in the crypto world in a short period. This dizzying performance has brought the question to mind whether the EOS can replace Ethereum.

What is EOS?

EOS is the currency used to operate on the EOSIO software.

EOSIO is software that introduces a blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications. We can compare EOSIO to a kind of operating system where applications can be built. The software provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication and the scheduling of applications across multiple CPU cores and/or clusters.

The open source EOSIO engine has the potential to perform millions of transactions per second. A blockchain architecture that eliminates user charges and allows for the quick and smooth execution of decentralized applications. For more technical information, you can read the company's white paper.

Who Created EOS?

Block.one; a Cayman Islands exempted company is building the EOSIO Software. With employees and advisors based around the world, the company focuses on business-grade technology solutions, including blockchain software development. For more information about Block.one, you can visit Block.one site

EOSIO is a blockchain designed by Daniel Larimer with his experience in steem.it and Bitshares. Therefore, the technical infrastructure and functioning are similar to the Steem blockchain.

How Many EOS Are There On The Market?

There are currently 906.25 million EOS coins. 100 million units correspond to %10 is dedicated to EOS founders. The total number of EOS is estimated to be 1 billion.

EOS block manufacturers receive EOS as an award for each block they produce, up to 5% of the EOS amount in circulation annually. However, this amount does not exceed 5% in any way. There is a maximum of 5% inflation in the EOS blockchain. The odds are different, but there is a similar situation with Steem.

How Does EOS Relate to Ethereum?

The distribution of the EOS coins was carried out in 1 year on the Ethereum infrastructure. This process ended on June 1, 2018, and then EOSIO started operating as an independent blockchain.

How Does the EOS Blockchain Work?

While everyone can be a block producer in Bitcoin and Ethereum, EOS's system architecture is based on the 121 block producer candidate to be the block producers of 21 participants who voted by the EOS owners. Apart from 20 permanent block producers, there are 101 candidates called the pending block producers.

Block producers should take the majority of votes in the election process from EOS owners. Thanks to this voting mechanism, EOS owners have a say in the management of the blockchain. This structure may have reminded you of Steem's witness system. To make changes to the blockchain rules, 15 of the 21 block manufacturers must provide a continuous consensus on the rules to be implemented for 30 days.

Block production time is 0.5 seconds. Each block is produced by block producers in a row in 6 seconds. Block producer who will deliver the block package is determined randomly.

Since blockchain is only held by trusted operators, it is not necessary for each of the application developers to keep the entire blockchain. It is enough for them to keep only the part of the chain that concerns them, and this provides efficiency in the calculation. This consensus mechanism is called delegated proof of stake because of the voting system in EOS.

The central power of EOS comes from the identification of processing power, memory, and bandwidth on the EOS network. For those who want to develop applications on EOS, needs to have an adequate amount of EOS, corresponding to the amount of processing power/memory/bandwidth required for the application's defined account.

EOS Price Trend

As the chart below shows, like other cryptocurrencies, EOS has recently suffered a significant loss.

In May 2018, the EOS, which was 20.62 USD, is currently trading at 5.08 USD.

Source: https://coinranking.com/coin/eos-eos

EOS Transaction Statistics

As shown in the chart below, the three blockchains that Daniel Larimer contributed are in the first third in the number of transactions. This indicates that the proof of stake consensus mechanism works well.

Source: https://blocktivity.info/

Which is Better? EOS or Ethereum?

The question in the title can also be answered as NEO. Anyone can recommend Ethereum Classic. I did not mention these alternatives to limit the scope of the article.

According to technical indicators such as the number of transactions per second and scalability, the EOS looks superior.

Using the Proof of Work consensus algorithm is one of the most critical factors that Ethereum is unable to achieve the desired level of processing speed. Ethereum, on the other hand, plans to switch to the Proof of Stake algorithm in the next major upgrade, to solve the performance problem.

The level of awareness for Ethereum is higher because it is older and more rooted. Some statistics are shown below.

GitHub Stars19,9488,948
Reddit Followers374,74255,892
Twitter Mentions Per Day8,4681,533

If you are interested in the comparison, I recommend that you read the this article where two infrastructures are compared.

Which one would be the next Google, Amazon or Facebook? I would like to express that I find both cryptos capable, meaningful and valuable.

I'm neither crypto nor an investment expert. This article should be considered as an amateur investor's attempt to share what he has learned about a cryptocurrency.

Thanks for reading.

Image Sources: https://oracletimes.com and https://giphy.com


EOS Ethereum'un Yerine Geçecek mi?

Hangi kripto paralar geleceğin Google, Amazon, Facebook, Nastaq'ı olacak? Bu sorunun yanıtını bulmak için bir süredir kripto paraları en yüksek piyasa değerine sahip olandan başlayarak tanımaya ve tanıtmaya çalışıyorum. Bugün sıra halen en yüksek beşinci piyasa değerine sahip olan EOS'a geldi, dizinin önceki yazılarına aşağıdaki linklerden erişebilirsiniz.

Which Crypto Should I Invest In? Is Bitcoin A Good Choice?
Should We Invest In Ethereum?
Ripple (XRP) Analysis
Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash vs Bitcoin Gold vs Bitcoin Diamond vs Bitcoin Private

7 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde piyasaya sürülen EOS bir yıl gibi kısa bir sürede kripto dünyasında piyasa değeri bakımından beşinciliğe yerleşmeyi başardı. Bu baş döndürücü performans akıllara ister istemez EOS'un Ethereum'un yerini alıp alamayacağı sorusunu getirdi.

EOS Nedir?

EOS OESIO yazılımı üzerinde faaliyet göstermek için kullanılan kripto para birimidir.

EOSIO merkezi olmayan uygulamalara dikey ve yatay ölçekleme sağlamak için tasarlanmış bir blockchain mimarisi yazılımıdır. EOSIO'yu uygulamaların inşa edilebileceği bir tür işletim sistemine benzetebiliriz. Sistem hesapların işletilmesi, kimlik doğrulama, veritabanları, asenkron iletişim gibi fonksiyonların yanı sıra birden fazla işlemci ve/veya node arasında uygulamaların senkronizasyonunu sağlar. Açık kaynak kodlu EOSIO altyapısı saniyede milyonlarca işlem yapma potansiyeline sahiptir. Kullanıcı ücretlerini ortadan kaldıran ve merkezi olmayan uygulamaların hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde işletilmesine izin veren bir blockchain mimarisidir. Daha fazla teknik bilgi edinmek için firmanın white paper ını okuyabilirsiniz.

EOS Kim Tarafından Ortaya Konulmuştur?

Cayman Adaları merkezli bir şirket Block.one, EOSIO yazılımını geliştirmektedir. Dünya çapındaki çalışan ve danışmanlarıyla şirket, blockchain yazılım geliştirme de dahil olmak üzere iş dünyasına yönelik teknoloji çözümlerine odaklanmış durumdadır. Şirket hakkındaki daha ayrıntılı bilgi için https://block.one/ sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

EOSIO Daniel Larimer'in steem.it ve bitshares'de edindiği tecrübe ile tasarladığı bir blok zinciridir. Bu nedenle teknik altyapısı ve işleyişi Steem blok zincirine benzemektedir.

Piyasada Kaç EOS Var?

Halen piyasada 906.25 milyon adet EOS bulunmaktadır. 100 milyon adede denk gelen %10 oranındaki EOS kuruculara ayrılmış durumdadır. Toplam EOS sayısının 1 milyar adet olması öngörülmektedir.

EOS blok üreticileri ürettikleri her bir blok için yıllık olarak dolaşımda olan EOS miktarının en fazla %5'i kadar EOS'u ödül olarak almaktadır. Ancak bu miktar hiçbir şekilde %5'i geçmemektedir. EOS blok zincirinde maksimum %5 olacak şekilde enflasyon mevcuttur. Oranlar farklı olmakla birlikte Steem ile burada da benzer bir durum söz konusu.

EOS'un Ethereum İle Nasıl Bir İlişkisi Var?

EOS coinlerinin dağıtımı Ethereum altyapısı üzerinde 1 yıla yayılan bir süreçte gerçekleştirildi. Bu süreç 1 Haziran 2018 tarihinde sona erdi ve ardından EOSIO bağımsız bir blok zinciri olarak faaliyet göstermeye başladı.

EOS Blok Zinciri Nasıl Çalışıyor?

Bitcoin ve Ethereum'da isteyen herkes blok üreticisi olabiliyorken EOS'un sistem mimarisi 121 blok üreticisi adayı arasında EOS sahipleri tarafından en fazla oy alan 21 katılımcının blok üreticisi olabilmesi üzerine kuruludur. 20 daimi blok üreticisinin dışında kalan bu 101 üretici beklemedeki blok üreticisi olarak isimlendirilmektedir.

Blok üreticilerinin seçim sürecinde kimin ne kadar EOS'u varsa o miktarda oy sahibi olmaktadır. Bu oylama mekanizması sayesinde EOS sahiplerinin blokzincir yönetimi üzerinde söz sahibi olması sağlanıyor. Bu yapı da sizlere Steem'in witness seçim sistematiğini hatırlatmış olabilir. Blok zinciri kurallarında değişiklik yapılabilmesi için 21 blok üreticisinin 15'inin uygulamaya konulması gereken kurallarla ilgili 30 gün boyunca aralıksız konsensüs sağlaması gerekmektedir.

Blok üretim zamanı 0.5 saniye olarak belirlenmiştir. Her bir blok üreticiler tarafından 6 saniyelik paketler halinde sıra ile üretilmektedir. Hangi blok üreticisinin hangi blok paketini üreteceği tamamen rastlantısal olarak belirlenmektedir.

Blokzinciri sadece güvenilir işleticiler tarafından tutulduğu için uygulama geliştiricilerin her birinin blokzincirin tamamını tutmasına gerek kalmamaktadır. Zincirin sadece kendilerini ilgilendiren bölümünü tutmaları yeterli olmakta, bu durum hesaplamada etkinlik sağlamaktadır.

EOS'un asıl gücü EOS ağı üzerinde işlem gücü, hafıza ve bant genişliği tanımlanmasından gelmektedir. EOS üzerinde uygulama geliştirmek isteyenlerin uygulamanın tanımlı olduğu hesapta ihtiyaç duyduğu miktardaki işlem gücüne/hafıza miktarına/bant genişliğine karşılık gelen miktarda EOS'a sahip olması gerekmektedir. Bu mekanizma EOS'taki oylama sistemi sebebiyle delegated proof of stake olarak adlandırılmaktadır.

EOS Fiyat Gelişimi

Aşağıdaki grafikten de görülebileceği üzere diğer kripto para birimleri gibi EOS da son dönemde ciddi değer kaybına uğramış durumda.

Mayıs 2018'de 20,62 USD'yi görmüş olan EOS halen 5,08 USD'den işlem görüyor.

Kaynak: https://coinranking.com/coin/eos-eos

EOS İstatistikleri

Aşağıdaki grafikte görüldüğü üzere Daniel Larimer'in katkı sağladığı üç blok zinciri işlem adedi sıralamasında ilk üçte yer alıyor. Bu durum proof of stake mantığının iyi işlediğini gösteriyor.

Kaynak: https://blocktivity.info/

Hangisi Daha İyi? EOS Mu? Ethereum Mu?

Başlıktaki soruya her ikisi de değil, NEO daha iyi biçiminde yanıt verilebilir. Bir başkası ise Ethereum Classic'i önerebilir. Yazının kapsamını sınırlı tutmak adına diğer alternatiflere bu yazıda değinmedim.

Saniyedeki işlem adedi, ölçeklenebilirlik gibi teknik göstergelere göre EOS daha üstün görünüyor.

Proof of Work konsensus algoritmasını kullanması Ethereum'un işlem hızı ve adedinde arzu edilen seviyeye ulaşamamasındaki en önemli etkenlerden. Oysa EOS Proof of Stake konsensus algoritmasını kullandığı için çok daha iyi bir performans gösterebiliyor. Öte yandan Ethereum da bir sonraki major upgradinde proof of stake algoritmasına geçmeyi ve böylece performans problemini bu şekilde çözmeyi planlıyor.

Ethereum daha eski ve köklü bir yapı olduğu için bilinirlik seviyesi daha yüksek.

Github Star19.9488.948
Reddit Follower374.74255.892
Tweets Per Day8.4681.533

Konu ilginizi çektiyse iki altyapının karşılaştırıldığı bu yazıyı da okumanızı tavsiye ederim.

Hangi kripto paranın daha iyi olduğunu, hangisinin geleceğin Google, Amazon ya da Facebook'u olabileceğinin değerlendirmesini size bırakıyorum. Her iki kripto parayı da anlamlı ve değerli bulduğumu ifade etmek istiyorum.

Kripto para ya da yatırım uzmanı değilim. Bu makale amatör bir yatırımcının kripto paralar hakkında öğrendiklerini koyucularla paylaşması olarak okunmalıdır.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.


EOS will be big in the coming future.

Highly unlikely

If it does it will be a couple years I think.

dont think so but never know

Before I continue, it is really important that we understand a key difference in this EOS vs Ethereum . While Ethereum is a highly established blockchain project with a fully functional platform, EOS is still in its very early days. However, the team has some huge ambitions. There is a finished product though, there is no way to guarantee whether they will achieve all of their goals.
Ethereum is currently stuck at 15 transactions per second, whereas EOS are planning to raise the bar and scale to millions of EOS transactions per second. Till July 2018, EOS has successfully managed 1,000 EOS transactions per second. The team achieved during its testing phase three months ago. This is already significantly better than Ethereum, however, it is well short of its ultimate target. This would not only make it the most scalable blockchain in the industry, but it would be able to handle any real-world application.

Here’s a comparison table to compare both project after this i think all doubts would be cleared.


will EOS Overtake Ethereum??

EOS has potential to do this but there is so many factor which will effect this but sooner or later i could be happen.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head when you identified the fact that EOS is highly centralized. Ethereum will scale quite nicely in the coming years via Plasma, Sharding, and Casper.

Aren't we expecting news later this year?


Who Created IOS?


Quick answer: probably NOT.

Compare the size of the network between the two platforms. Look at the players onboard the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Look at everything Consensys has been building. etc. etc.

What does EOS have in comparison - *even though it may have greater technical capabilities at the moment?

Even if it's superior technically, that alone isn't enough to validate its emergence when Ethereum's network is so much immensely larger...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this @muratkbesiroglu

Hopefully eos ( being somehow connected thru its developer to steemit and bts) will make it thru crypto market

We'll see ... Time & Future will solve this


Not only is EOS more scalable than Ethereum, Ethereum is burdened by having so many ICOs riding on it's back that it is almost impossible to improve it, so it can't catch up. Just my opinion. :)

May I ask what do you mean by having a burden of ICO's on it's back? ICO's leveraging Ethereum proves the utility of the token and project, no?

I mean that EOS is scalable, because it uses DPOS.

By contrast, Ethereum uses Proof of Work, and cryptokitties ground it to a standstill.

In order to compete with EOS, Vitalik wants to introduce sharding, whereby the blockchain is divided into pieces, and each node only deals with one subset of the pieces, thus reducing the pressure on each node and scaling the blockchain.

What I am saying is that the ERC20 tokens running on Ethereum need to keep running, so there's little opportunity for Vitalik to carry out sharding tests on the network without massively disrupting the ICO ERC20 tokens currently running.

Thus the ICOs are an obstacle to Ethereum scaling up and being able to compete with EOS, which is already scalable by design.

It looks like you are having quite a few misconceptions. For example:

What I am saying is that the ERC20 tokens running on Ethereum need to keep running, so there's little opportunity for Vitalik to carry out sharding tests on the network without massively disrupting the ICO ERC20 tokens currently running.

You know that there are test nets, right? Experiments are not ran on the main network.

Thus the ICOs are an obstacle to Ethereum scaling up and being able to compete with EOS, which is already scalable by design.

ICOs are merely a smart contract, they don't really bloat much. They are not a burden really.

Not before Ethereium overtakes Bitcoin.

EOS just have a small community and don't have any specific product
Etherium is the best

Thanks for information...EOS can't overtake Ethereum ! In terms of transaction rate, scalability Ethereum is better.

Great comparison. EOS has capabilities to beat ethereum. let’s see what’s happen in the future @muratkbesiroglu

I am certainly hot knowledgable enough to predict. But the information you presented is well thought out and documented. Thanks for your input

Interesting analysis. I dont think EOS will overtake Ethereum, partly because so many talented developers are working already on Ethereum projects, and thus have a vested interest in the platform.

Realistically, it will take at least a couple of years before EOS really starts attracting a lot of devs, as it needs to prove itself in this time as a viable competitor. In the meantime, Ethereum's core devs and researchers will be hard at work implementing their own scaling solutions - Plasma, sharding, Casper, sidechains etc.

I think EOS will probably stick around, and maybe in time offer an alternative to Ethereum, as it has a massive war chest to bootstrap with. However, to see it as an 'Ethereum killer' is mistaken.

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Thank you for the offer!

I am interested in becoming a trivial token analyst. I read the explanations in the link. I will send you an e-mail including my contact info.

Me podrias explicar como es esto?

Probably none of them after this bear week for altcoins

sinceramente la criptomoneda se basa en una historia en los años 1374 cuando yakuzami fundo el poblado de rakitee juntos a su hijos en aquellos tiempo hubo una guerra y se dirigieron a rusia aya evolucionaron una comunidad muy pequeña ...

Interesting post!!!

Very well explained about eth ans eos.....thnx for this post

Great work please grow my blog upvote me thanks

So what was conclusion?

There is no definite answer so yeah, you can never expect a real conclusion from articles like these.

It is hard to conclude. They are both good.

Elinize sağlık hocam, karşılaştırması herkesin anlayabileceği bir ölçüde yapmışsınız. Her ikisinin de oldukça başarılı projeler olduğu göz ardı edilemez bir durum ama şu anda her ne kadar sorunları olsa da EOS'un ileride çok daha iyi yerlere geleceğine inanıyorum ve oyum EOS'tan yana.

Bu arada cryptocurrency incelemelerini ve karşılaştırmalarınızı severek okuyorum. Yeniden elinize sağlık.

Teşekkür ederim. Çok uğraşıyorum üzerlerinde. Yavaş yavaş da bu dünyayı öğrenmeye başladım.

EOS will definitely overtake Ethereum ! In terms of transaction rate, scalability EOS is better.

Thank you for this post @muratkbesiroglu. I'm very new to the cryptocurrency world and it can be a little confusing to understand it or keep up with the rapid changes but your posts are so helpful and well-explained in both languages. Thank you again for your contribution :)

First I just want to say, EOS and Etherium are NOT competitors. They each target a very different market and they both have an equal chance for mass adoption. EOS offer a service for Enterprise level dapps and Etherium offer a service for all other Dapps except enterprise level.

All of this rivalry between the two communities is ridiculous and it is only hurting BOTH blockchains. TBH, I am sick to death of all of this childish tribalism that belongs on a football pitch or in a school playground.

PLEASE do some research before you write posts like this that don't really help anyone.

Now regarding EOS and it's market cap. And by the way, I am an EOS investor. As we stand right now as I write this, Stellar is about to overtake EOS for the number 5 spot so the question of EOS overtaking Etherium is pointless right now. The REAL question should be, is Etherium Classic going to overtake EOS as the market cap between these two is much closer.

Sorry to slam your post, I'm just getting fed up of people comparing EOS to Etherium. And anyway, as a community, if we want to overtake a non-competitor in Market Cap, why arn't we targetting Bitcoin? Anything less is selling EOS short in my opinion.

Thank you for the information.

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Interesting comparison

In “Who Created IOS?”,is that a mistake for “EOS”?

I fixed it. Thank you.

@muratkbesiroglu maybe something will change

EOS go to the moon

  • EOS / BTC - H4 - Bat model
    Technical Model BAT - The bat is being formed with EOS

Section XA is formed from 54482 to the peak of 243000

Section AB corrects 50% to 138342 area

BC 0.30% corrected 78.6% to reach target 203144

Under the BAT model, the AD segment edged up 88% on the 70846 price target.

With the goal of perfecting this wave, we will enter the order with waves as follows:

  • EP: 70850
  • TP: 115535
  • TG: 143171

The stop loss reserve is lower than the EP.

Wish you successful trading!

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wow this is a great analysing, thanks much for the sharing
btw, what do you think about GCOX?

I have no idea right now about GCOX. I need to make research.

Gcox start to gaining attention around south East Asia region. Would love to see such analysis.

yeah their ITS tranche 1 is over subscribe 20% seems is a great start!

TRX also almost Same project like Eth & Eos you should compair TRX also

Thanks for the advice. I will.

EOS will certainly replace Ethereum

aWESome article!

Really well done.

Hi I am from bangladesh.Your post was very beautiful. I have read your entire post with my heart.

EOS'un guzel bir cikis yapmasina ragmen, son zamanlardaki main net launch problemleri, ve governance problemleri, EOS'un development bakimindan hazir olmadigini gosterdi bana sahsen. Decentralize olmasi gerekiyoken delegated POS sistemi ile block chain e yonetici atadilar. Bu atanan yoneticilerin islemleri dondurup, coinlerin sahiplerinin degistirebilme yetkisine sonuc verdigini gorduk. Bu sistemin benim icin bankadan farki yok. Bankaya guveniyoruz bizim paramizi korumasi icin, burdada EOS a guveniyoruz paralari cikarmamasi yada islemlerimizi iptal etmemesi icin. Insanlar Vitalik yuzunden Ether'e centralized diyor ama bence EOS un son fiyaskolari bence EOS un daha centralized oldugunu gosterdi bana. Tabi bu benim sahsi fikrim uzun donemde EOS un basarili bi proje olucagina inaniyorum. Mukemmel bi toplulugu, yatirimcilari ve developer lari var

the question is like , will ETH overtake BTC?

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@muratkbesiroglu Your previous blogs helps me to understand better.
And yes EOS will definitely overtake Ethereum.