Again a plethora of information you are! Thanks for sharing, but seriously, I need to sit down for like a day or two and just study like all your posts. I must admit you are the one that kept me in the steemit game, when I reached out to you being all pissy about creating content for peanuts. Well things have changed for me basically the moment I reached out to, and in return I'm now have been motivated to up my steemit game. I just published what I consider my best post ever and it's already getting noticed. I would love for you to check it out if you have time, let me know if you think I'm on the right track. Much appreciated and thank you for you continued support!
Congrats on your success! I love hearing I played a small part in you sticking around and finding enjoyment here. :)
The next phase is to move beyond earnings. That's when you'll truly find great value here. :)
I think we all go through the same process. First the money draws us in, then we get frustrated because others seem to be doing well but we aren't, then we start to make some progress, then we slow, eventually, realize it wasn't about the money after all.
During my journey, at one point I hid the $$$ for 24 hours. I think it was one of the best experiments I've done here.
The conflict you feel, perhaps, is conflict with yourself. You can say it's taking you away from the lifestyle you love, but the reality is you are choosing connection, relationship, and interaction. You are choosing by your actions to be here. Steemit bridges the gap between digital and physical and causes us to see ourselves and others in a different light.
I think it's amazing and fantastic.
If we have to set limits for ourselves it may be because we are trying to escape something about ourselves, and we know that isn't right or healthy. Balance brings peace.
Keep in touch and don't get lost in the crowd. :)
I'm curious about this. I've watched some interesting lectures about addiction, and I think we all have a lot to learn about it. Some think it's chemical based, but it does seem to be related to wanting to escape one reality and over-indulge in another. I also wonder if we'll ever understand the brain enough to really pinpoint how different brains may respond differently to pleasure and stimulation. All super interesting stuff.
I'm enjoying connecting wth you as well, Dan. I plan to travel much more in the future, hopefully with my family as well. Part of me, I realize, is scared of the unknown, scared of instability and uncertainty of travel... but I'm looking forward to it just the same. I enjoy your posts as part of that process.