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RE: @curie has supported you - You might want to consider a witness vote!

in #curie6 years ago

Finally got to this post in my feed! :)

First off, that's a long list.

Second of all, I'm sorry you're taking more flack by some people here for essentially standing up for a group that's trying to keep Steemit honest. There's plenty of others commenting though who are understanding what you're doing, so hopefully that helps.

Seems like a lot of misunderstanding among the first group. Not sure why. I haven't been following you long enough to know if these kinds of angry commenters are the norm, or just since you've started to talk about bots, or if it's just because now you're witness. I hope people take a deep breath and step back a little to try to understand.

I voted for Curie for witness because I like what they're doing and because I have been a beneficiary of their support twice now. I've got to figure out what to do help beyond the witness, though, because I'm not ready to take the brave step of delegation just yet.

Hopefully with their "fundraiser" (my word), they're going to be able to keep things righted.

Anyway, chin up.

Or is that, Duck!

I can never remember which. :)


Hi there top engager 😊

A little bit of flack with this one but the people that's know me hopefully understand my intension was not to shame, just to make aware and help who I think are a solid witness.

The majority of the comments are positive, like this one and so that softens the negativity and name-calling.

Chin up me duck! 🐥

You know, I like that. Top engager has a better ring to it than king. It also allows for the potential of more than one top engager. Nice. :)

Yeah, people tend not to like being called out much. It hasn't happened to me here yet, so we'll see how I react to it when it inevitably does, but here, where everyone knows more or less what everyone else is doing, it shouldn't be a surprise that it can happen.

At the same time, I'm pretty sure this wasn't what the guy who wrote "How to win friends and influence people" had in mind. :) Of course, he didn't have bots to deal with, either.