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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 06/07/20> Let’s talk…Domestic Terrorism…and my take on it.

in #dailydose4 years ago

Yep. we have a lot of pots calling the kettle black as is the case with the AG. Government authority though excludes them from evidently seeing things clearly as folks like us do.

I just had to run up to the store to get a couple cans of snuff and heard the top of the hours news on the radio. Old Nancy P said that congress will be introducing a new "bill" dealing with police reform. We have plenty of laws on the books already so we don't need another one but it just goes to show folks that these people we have in office don't understand the real issues.

That story about Nancy P and her new bill was followed by a story that some folks are calling for the de-funding of police departments. I would suggest that we de-fund congress and the senate. Give the states back control until we can elect a constitutional congress and senate made up of people who will take the proper oaths of office.
There is such a thing as a constitutional convention of the states and it might be time for one. I realize that the constitutional convention was designed so that the states could make changes to the constitution but I believe it could also be used to force compliance of the US government to follow the constitution rather than change it.

I have quit using my seat belt when I drive right now in hopes of attracting the attention of some policy enforcer and getting me an invite to see the local judge. I 'm going the seat belt direction because it isn't a moving violation and I like keeping my insurance rates as low as possible.

Oh yes, I saw those photos of the thugs dressed in blue with riot gear and no identifiable markings, they might just be international troops for all we know. May be a case of international terrorism right there.