Deranged Photography Contest - The Perfect Portrait

Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

The Perfect Portrait


The Perfect Portrait is all about capturing the personality of your subject in the picture, not just posing them in the generic poses that you see on google. When I do my portrait sessions, especially with the little ones, I tell the parents to just let their kids have fun and I will take pictures of them being themselves instead of getting forced smiles.

The above picture sums up the personality of this little boy. He was a super independent kid and he only did what he wanted to do. Every time his parents told him to smile, he would close his eyes just like this and I thought it was hilarious. I asked him if he just wanted to explore the trees and the rocks in the area we were taking pictures instead of trying to smile and then once I told him he could just play, he brightened right up and had a great time.

So grab your cameras get some pictures of some people and make it a goal to capture their personality in the shot, instead of just trying to get a nice looking picture. These are the pictures that end up being more special anyways.

NOTE - We have had a lot of newcomers to the contest recently and some have not been reading the rules in their entirety. Only ONE submission per contest is allowed. Please do not enter more than once. If you see other people doing it, feel free to comment to them and inform them of the rules.

Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

This weeks contest winners

Check out the Buggin Out winners to see all of the amazing creepy crawlies that everyone captured.

The Water Works Contest had so many amazing submissions in it, it was hard to choose the winners. Make sure to head over to the winners announcement post and congratulate the winners.

How is the Deranged Photography Contest set up?


The contest will be broken up into three different tiers. Each will have a different payout for the winners based on what tier you enter into. Here is a breakdown of the winning based on the tiers:

1st1.25 SBD1 SBD1 SBD
2nd0.75 SBD0.5 SBD0.5 SBD
3rd0.5 SBD0.25 SBD0.25 SBD

Each contest will be open for submissions for 5 days after the post is made and then closes at 0100 UTC (1800 MST) on the 5th day.

This will give me and any guest judges time to judge the submissions and create the post announcing the winners.

How to enter


When you enter a photo in the competition, you will state what tier you want to be judged in and locked in for the month at that level.

For example if you enter a photo, you drop the photo in the comment section, state what level of photographer you are, and then give a description of the photograph.

If you want to make your own post and reference the contest in your post, that would be awesome, just remember to post your picture in the comment section along with your post link. Who knows, you may get a visit and an upvote on your post as well as an upvote on the picture. Use the tag #derangedphotography to make it easy to find your posts.



There will be a prize pool of 5 SBD for each tier for the photo of the month. At after the final contest results are posted, I will create an additional post for everyone to cast their votes for their top photo of the month.

Each 1st place winner throughout the month will be tagged in the post as notification to drop their photo in comment section and the photo from each tier that receives the highest number of votes, number not value, will win the 5 SBD, plus they get all the rewards of the upvotes on their comment too, so win win for them.

I am hoping that this is incentive for everyone to continue to go out and shoot amazing photographs. You are all doing great.

Additional Notes


This contest is in its early stages and as time goes it things may need to be tweaked to benefit the group as a whole to make it a more fun experience for everyone.

  • Contestants can only win 1st or 2nd place once a week.

  • Only one submission per contest. Extra submissions will be ignored.

  • You can switch your tier ONE time per month, but only if you are moving up into a higher tier, for example if you are currently in the amateur tier, but you think that you have a photograph that you want to enter in the professional tier, you can state that you are changing your tier to professional. You will then be locked into the new tier for the remainder of the month. You are not able to move down to a lower tier, like going from amateur to the beginner tier.

  • If you do not state wish tier you want to be judged in for the month, I will leave a comment to remind you to do so, but if you don't respond, you will be assigned to a tier and locked in for that month.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. All submissions must be your own work. I will investigate every entry and one of the main sponsors is the @steemcleaners team, so if you are caught plagiarizing, not only will you be blacklisted from competing from any future contests, but you will be reported to Steemcleaners as well. It is not worth it to try and cheat, especially with the 3 tier set up where everyone has an equal shot of winning.

  • Deranged Photography Contests also has a discord channel that you can meet fellow photographers and keep up to date with all of the latest news that is going on with the contest. You can join at this link:

Who are the amazing sponsors?


The first sponsor is @czechglobalhosts. For those that don't know, @czechglobalhosts puts on two daily photo contests that are open to anyone to enter. His contests cover the entire globe so that anyone can enter. The days and themes are:

  • Australian Monday
  • Antarctica and World's Oceans Tuesday
  • African Wednesday
  • European Thursday
  • North American Friday
  • South American Saturday
  • Asian Sunday

On top of the themed daily continent contests, he hosts a daily travel contests specific to the beautiful country of the Czech Republic. So make sure to follow @czechglobalhosts and participate in his contests because he is offering two daily photography contests that you can enter to win.

The other sponsors I have are @guiltyparties and the @steemcleaners team. @guiltyparties and everyone else behind @steemcleaners does so much for the platform as a whole, trying to reduce the spammers, phishing and plagiarism that goes on here. If you have any free slots for witness votes you should consider casting a vote for @guiltyparties, vote for @patrice, vote for @anyx, vote for @pfunk, and vote for @ arcange. Your votes for these great witnesses go a long way in ensuring the platform continues to thrive.

I would also like to welcome @ats-david as another amazing sponsor to the contests. He is an awesome photographer himself and runs several of his daily own contests over on @brospn-contests. If you are a sports fan, you definitely need to check out those contests. He is also the brains behind @brospn where you can stay up to date with anything sports related. He works tirelessly to make sure everyone is informed with what is going on in the sports universe. On top of all of that, He is a witness for the Steem blockchain. So if you have free witness votes you can vote for @ats-witness here vote for @ats-witness

In keeping with my mission for humanitarian work, I have partnered with @youarehope and will be sending a portion of the proceeds to help with their global humanitarian efforts. They have been helping people all over the world using the Steemit platform.

If you would like to become a sponsor and delegate SP to the Deranged Photography Contests you can do so by clicking on the following links:
50 SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP,5000SP.

Now get out and start shooting


I hope you are all excited about this new contest. The contest themes will be different than what you are used to seeing on Steemit, and I am doing this to encourage everyone to get out and shoot new pictures. If you are a life long professional nature photographer, some of the themes may push you to try and learn something new. If you are just a beginner photographer, this is a great place to have fun shooting all sorts of exciting styles and learn in the process.

Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

I am looking forward to seeing all of your great submissions. Have fun taking those pictures!!





Here's my Amateur entry. I was strolling the street of Istanbul and witnessed this Syrian refugee girl feeding a cat with the food she just begged. This touching scene remains one of my favorite street captures in my extensive travels. :) Hope you enjoy it too!


So adorable @itchyfeetdonica

Thanks! :) I think so too.

Little girl from a Pingwe village on Zanzibar! ( jut after a candy giveaway ;) )

Level: Beginner


This little girl's rambunctiousness is so apparent!

Hi @derangedvisions, this is my entry for The Perfect Portrait.

This photo was taken during one of my outings to take a street photo in the Barranquilla Downtown in Colombia.
I made this photo specifically in a small place where they sell empanadas, a typical food in Latin America.
Tier: Professional.

Great shot as always! Oh how I miss empanadas, haha...

Thank you so much. You have to return to Colombia for a couple of empanadas. Greetings my friend.

Happy me on Caribbean beach in Mexico! :) Have a great weekend, Wes;)
tier - amateur

Awesome shot. I can't wait to go visit the Caribbean.

I am a beginner

Look at the intensity on this mans face. This is the Man, the myth, the legend. His name is Mike and he is the reason my self and my good friend Scott Kelly got into fighting fire together. And this photo was taken on the day off Scott’s Funeral. The look on his face says it all.

Bro, one thing I didn't realize when I had you come to Steemit was that I was going to be constantly reminded of Scott through your posts as well. It is going to be so cool to be reminded of all the stories from the both of you.

That day this photo was taken was a very hard day for all of us here that knew him. Scott had a huge impact on so many people. This was a picture I took of him on his wedding day when he was married in my living room. lol


The joy of the Children of Fishermen, living away from the hustle and bustle of the city, their sand, water and coral. that is their strength. coming home from school playing together in the sea while waiting for their father's return from the ocean looking for sustenance for them

snapseed-01.jpegphoto using camera FUJIFILM X-A2 |iso400||f5,4||95,40mm||1/800s|

I took this photo of my niece on the beach! She has that natural beauty. I enter this into the Amateur level contest. Photo taken with a Motorola phone standard settings.


This is my entry.
Level: beginner.
This is my nephew, he is sitting resting on the edge of the rice fields. When he was called by his friend and looked back, that's when I took this picture.


Hi I would like to enter amateur tier.

This is the photo I took for my younger son when he was 8 months old. We took him to the park around our home in the late afternoon and while he was playing around with his big brother. I captured this moment.



Meet Cyrus Yash, he's going to have his 2nd birthday soon so we're shooting in a public park to have his photos be printed in a tarpaulin. Of all the shots I've taken, I considered this the Perfect Portrait for I have captured his personality: being joyful and energetic. Because this time, I just let him do what he wanted to do while I'm just trying to capture the perfect moment.

Hah, as you said that the pic should characterize that person I immediately had to think about my grannie. I'm not badmouthing her or anything, I looove her and she's the best grannie ever. But she used to do this funny thing during summer holidays. Always when she saw something expensive looking or luxurious, she just wanted a picture with it. I guess it comes from her childhood when there wasn't much money in general in my country. But every damn year, as a polite grandson of her, I was taking pics of her with everything - doubledecker buses, nice cars, jacuzzis, fountains, restaurants....I mean everything. And she doesn't even want to see the pics afterwards...It was always weird for me. Sadly I somehow can't find more of those pics except for this one.


Your grannie sounds awesome! I love the story behind this image. I hope that you are able to find those other pictures you took with her. That way your memories with her will always be there.

I haven’t done many portrait photo shootings but there is one I will never forget.

At the time I had a studio, doing mainly advertising photography but in a small market like the Greek, specialization was a luxury I didn’t had so I was practising almost every kind of photography. Actually I liked it, since I had some interesting variety in my job. Nikos is a well-known Greek violinist working on traditional music. The day he come in, for his portrait, I was assigned by a magazine to illustrate the interview that he gave to them. The magazine was a new customer so I wanted to give the best possible result.

I had my lights all set up so after the introductions Nikos stepped in front of the background and looked at me. I cannot describe how awkward the following minutes were. He couldn’t pose not even remotely natural and I was feeling so bad for not been able to guide him properly. The shooting was evolving into a disaster.

After dozens of useless shots I asked him to play something with his violin. I attached a telephoto lens to my camera and I stepped away, into the shadow. And boom! All the tension and the awkwardness burst out leading to this picture!

I don’t know what you think of it but for me it was a great success. It turned out to be the magazine's cover and Nikos come back for more shootings :)


There is also a bw version in my post.

Love the story behind this, it has happened to me more than once. By the way, was the second shooting less awkward?

Thank you @gabyoraa!
It is true, the connection between the model and the photographer can be a tricky thing. The second shooting was much easier although this shot is by far the best I got with him.

I come from a family of dorks and I'm damn proud! Here's my dad and my older brother being which I finally just discovered a similarity between my brother and I!!!! It appears that we both have the same nose wrinkle smile. Haha.


I really am a fan of your family!!!!

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(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Stunningly good portraits. I love the two boys in two entirely different situations, but that little girl is exquisite. Stunning.

Thank you. The boy at the end of the post is my son. That little girl is such a fun one to take pictures of. She is a little ball of energy.

The older boy? When I look at that photo, goodness seems to shine from his eyes.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 1 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 119 SBD worth and should receive 229 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thanks robot pig. It is always nice to see you visiting my posts.

World of Photography
>Visit the website<

You have earned 6.50 XP for sharing your photo!

Daily Stats
Daily photos: 1/2
Daily comments: 0/5
Multiplier: 1.30
Block time: 2018-05-11T19:02:24
Account Level: 3
Total XP: 783.45/800.00
Total Photos: 51
Total comments: 15
Total contest wins: 10
And have also received a 1.20 percent upvote.

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Developed and sponsored by: @juliank

Hi friends,Here Is My submission in This the beginner

For your submission to count, you need to include your picture here in the comment section.

This is my entry for a contest made by @derangedvisions with the theme Deranged Photography Contest - The Perfect Portrait with amateur level.


Setting Camera | f/4.5 | 1/60 sec | 42 mm | ISO-1600

Photos This is a photo of my nephew who is very happy because his birthday is birthday. His happiness was clearly shine in his face and the happy expression of his face. I Capture this photo using Camera Canon EOS 600D With Equitment Canon Lens EFs 18-135mm IS STM

Lets Ride

Outdoors art portrait. Natural light only.
The apocalypse biker girl :D

Enjoy this beauty!


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!



This is my entry for this contest:

Link to my post: i ♥ Photography - Double Trouble
Level: Beginner

This is my first photo entry Level : beginner This is my best friend, his name **mahdar** he is a football player and he is also a very humorous and of course he is very loyal.

This is my first entry
Level: Beginner

This is a photograph of a small child that I photographed again fished fishing by the river by holding his own fish catch.

My first entry
Level: beginner
I took this photo in the corners of the village and this is a corn farmer, A father who struggled to find sustenance that tireless though under the hot sun he still gives his best smile

My entry for this week is of my daughter. There were so many shots in this shoot that I loved, but this one was my top pick! She's super sassy, and such a great model! My level is Amateur!

All photography is depending upon pose we can create such a pics which shows the story the reality like the painting.

I know I've used this photo before, but it's really one of my favorite portraits ever. Specially because it wasn't posed, staged or planned. Every time I see it, it takes me back to those days where we almost made it.

F R E E D O M     E Y E S

Click on image to view large

Very powerful image indeed and the phrase “those days where we almost made it” is something I have said too many times.

I believe it is a perfect portrait of my daughter.

Nailing it_DSC5515_1000px.jpg

When I was travelling in Paraguay, I was invited to a remote indigenous community near Puerto Pollo in Northern Paraguay. This is how I got to witness a fascinating traditional ceremony.


The story of these ladies is quite interesting, I wrote it down a while ago in my blog along with some more portraits:

Warning deleted

Lol I think something is wrong with your bot @arcange :D

ya, I thought it was weird that you would get this warning. I checked out your post and I think that it was because of the link at the end that takes you off site to you personal photography site since it is a .de and not a .com. But your site is a legit site and not a scam, so people shouldn't be worried about it. This is an awesome image. I could make a sweet water color out of it, the colors are perfect for it.

Thanks! Apparrently there is a phishing site that has "steemitphoto" in the url and since I used the tag "steemitphotochallenge" as first tag and it is a part of the steemit URL, the bot detects it as a phishing link. It should be easily possible for @arcange to exclude all links that start with a legit Steemit URI (like from the phishing detection..

Yes, it was because of the domain name of your site.
I update my warning bot to avoid such false positive. Please apologize for inconvenience.

No worries at all! Your phishing warnings are great service and it is better to warn one time too often than one time too little!

ya, you just got dinged again. lol

The rule is: "don't say it twice" 😜

LOL. I tried to warn him about trying to steal all of my SBDs. You are doing awesome things for the platform.

Studying for her exams... need I say more haha