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RE: Beauty In Me...

in #dsound7 years ago

I'd like to hear more of your work, @rok-sivante, as I share your estimation of this piece. I kept expecting it to go somewhere it didn't... As a fellow creative type, I'm a poet, I've learned to trust my judgement about a piece of art. If it feels incomplete, I might set it aside, until I'm ready to revisit it, or abandon it, altogether, in favor of creating new work.

All the best, Yahia Lababidi (Egyptian poet)


Hey man, that is some great advice there, for sure.

Goethe, I believe, worked on Faust for decades... picked it up and abandoned it... Rilke on his Elegies, also, for incredibly long. There's a reason both of these works are masterpieces and the men who produced them are perceived as immortal masters. We steal from ourselves when we pick fruit from our garden that has not yet ripened...

Thanks, for indulging me, @barrydutton. Here's an introduction to my work, if you're interested:

Warmly, Yahia

nice. that first paragraph is gold.

THAT right there just would have earned my following, if I hadn't been following you already. 💗

You’re incredibly kind to say so, and I’m truly humbled by how graciously you have received my commentary on your art. Forgive me, for being somewhat clueless when it comes to technology - I shall make an effort to listen to more of your compositions on your station. To quote Goethe, once more, all art conspires to the condition of music.

Meanwhile, I hope my (mere) words might keep you good company - just posted a new poem, today :)

Sweet dreams, @rok-sivante

most all of what I've done is on my dSound page, mixed up between DJ promos, originals, and remixes...

t'is part of the creative process, sometimes - giving a work space to mature, time for different elements to come in upon revisits, and so forth... :-)