Vlog 152: I'm going to sit on my Steempower for years to come.

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I have to look for subjects for my vlog but this morning it wasn't that tough.

When I checked my phone at 3am last night I had trouble getting back to sleep I can tell you that.

STEEM was over $2!

This morning it has come down a bit to $1.80 but you don't hear me complain :)

The SBD might be even crazier. It has a value of $5.70 at the moment.

I have been trying to find reasons why this might be happening and found a few good ones but my favorite one is cryptokitties.

Cryptokitties are so popular that they are putting a huge strain on the Ethereum network making it slow.

The reason is that the Ethereum network can't scale well. They might be able to handle this in 2 years. ethereum-will-have-visa-scale-transaction-capacity-in-2-years. But not now.

In the meantime, people will realize that scaling is actually very important for a blockchain to function and as luck would have it STEEM can do it very well already. Also, the Steem blockchain has no fees and 3-second block times.

But wait there is more.

In the beginning of 2018, we will get Smart Media Tokens. Everyone will then be able to make a token on the Steem blockchain and use as they see fit with all the benefits the Steem blockchain has to offer.

This is my favorite reason for the price increase.

Whether it's true or not I'm not sure.

What I am sure of is that I'm going to sit on my Steempower for years to come. Like I have done since July 2016.

I have recently become a witness with our developer group blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

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You skills at vlogging are becoming better and better. Great listen this morning. My Dad and I listened to you while sipping coffee at the kitchen table just now. Great times!!

Thank you! That's so cool of you to say. And congrats to you too on the Steem rise.

I don't know how you do it? I post but seem to have no exposure.

That's because @exyle has been here awhile. He has over 5600 posts. You have 21. You just have to keep posting and commenting.

They’ll have to pry my Steem Power out of my cold, dead fingers.

I heard someone sayoing they pump sbd to get price of steem up because it is cheaper to pump sbd then steem. Also heard from that guy that sbd is likely to go to 10$. crazy right :)

I just sold some SBD on Bittrex at $5.88, madness! Shame I only had 3 SBD in my wallet. Good news on the STEEM price too, strange how it suddenly jumps up like you said. It's very volatile when it's in an uptrend

I have to opposite problem I have too many things I want to write about but dont have the time, steem was back over $2 again @exyle and the other night I saw SBD jump all the way to an incredible $6.72 sitting at 6.50 now. Yes I hear the value of steem will go up as new tokens are created hope its true.

I will be doing the same @exyle, Steem is an amazing blockchain. Merry Christmas - enjoy the holidays.

It's the best blockchain I know and Merry Christmas to you too, man!

Damn!!! 5.48 for SBD ???
We are finally rolling and people will start understanding the advantage of the STEEM Blockchain. I never powered down. It’s fine I don’t have SBD. I got some “power” MEOW!

I never powered down either. And I won't for a long time.

Do you recommend powering up now or holding what little SBD I have earned? I am struggling to understand the dynamics of the 2 currencies but I will continue reading great articles like yours to figure it out. Thanks

Great post

I am so happy in the morning when I had come through @firepower post, yes sbd was at $7 he had written. Thank god finally we have some good things, I will happiest when steem touch the level $10.Thanks for sharing such a valuable information my dear friend, happy steeming.

On me there is the impression that a few people are manipulating the SBD price to gain more Steem and make profit..
Maybe I'm totally wrong but I can't imagine normal people would buy SBD for this price. There must be something wrong..

But I don't care too much. For me it is important that the steem price will grow in long term. Everything different is secondary :)

Hey mate! I just came across from YouTube and started out on dTube and I'm interested in creating a video on Steemit which I'll broadcast to my 75,000 YouTube subs. Would you be interested in collaborating?

self voted for visibility, let me know :)

Let me know what you have in mind. You can find me here. https://steemit.chat/

Sitting on it is good. In the future we will all be Kings who were there from the start! :0D

I hope so man!

Excellent video and nice information my friend, well i really like the very cute concept behind cryptokitties and at last we see a crypto game building on top of blockchain but sadly eth blockhain starting to see a scaling problem and that's where steem gains huge edge over other chains and i agree with your point the rumor of SMT's launch is impacting the price and inserting a huge buying pressure on exchanges and it's great for all the steemians as they are getting good rewards for their work and my friend i am also going to hold steem as much as i can and i am sure this coin has the potential to beat the ETH, thanks for sharing very nice information with us, Stay awesome

I don't think I'll power down for a long time. It is apparent now how valuable it is to hold Steem tokens. It's just a matter of time before Steem follows the lead of SBD and goes up.

Well written. This post reminds me that Steemit is not just a social log or intellectual platform, but an investment as well.. Gave you one witness vote as well...best of luck.

yeah totally, love the concept :) I guess that's the reason why we are so early here! :)

but an investment as well..

It sure is!

@exyle nice post, i think a good person is someone who benefits others. so after reading your posts then my insight is growing and arise the sense of want to try as you,good job friend still be the best.

Great vid, @exyle. I don't normally burn the data to watch videos on Steemit (I prefer to save it for upcoming Marvel movie trailers 😀) but I'm glad I did in this case. Good video narrated with confidence and relaxation in front of the camera 👌

Then there's the whole insanity with how SBD is skyrocketing. @acidyo had a post that explained a likely reason for this (South Korea is going in big-time on all things Steem) which makes a bit more sense than some of my theories on the subject (which I posted about haha, much good may it do)

It's an exciting time to be a Steemian, that's for sure 👍

That's where I am right now. I will sit on my steem for the foreseeable future. I never plan for more than 5 years in the future because we don't know what the future holds for us.

And I am sitting right next to you on my Steempower! Might as well grab some coffee to go with it because I think we'll sit there for a while!

I want to make you a cushion that says "STEEMPOWER" on it so you can actually physically sit on Steempower too.

The SBD situation was insane and I was trying to do arbitrage trades between HitBTC, Bittrex, and Poloniex. I totally got screwed by Poloniex and HitBTC...... grrrrrrrr

I have SBD 'hanging'on the way to POLO too.

I didnt realise any of that... Thanks for the info, you have my upvote and witness vote.

Thank so much for your vote for our witness.

seeing sbd at that price has me like WOW. kinda of amazing, if i had SBD right now i would be buying STEEM like crazy.

It's crazy at the moment. So much fun :)

haha man i know exactly what you mean about checking the phone in the middle of the night and getting that adrenaline rush lmao. takes you right out of your sleep and makes it absolutely impossible to go back to sleep lol. but man congrats on your steem power and vlogging skills! thats an insane accomplishment!!!one of my ultimate goals here on steemit is to be a great vlogger. its something i think i can do fairly well and i love interacting with fellow steemians on such a personal level. you seem to have mastered it :) i used to vlog on youtube but i discovered steemit and then my attention went elsewhere haha. Anyway i just want to thankyou for being such a big influence for me here in steemit. ive followed you since the start of my journey here 4 months ago and youve definitely helped keep my fire alive. As an artist,musician and vlogger sometimes i think i should choose one nische and stick to it but other times i think its okay to do everything.. maybe you can share some insight with me on the subject? anyway enjoy your day/night! hopefully we can connect brother.

Thank you so much for your words. It took me some time to find blogging direction. Now I mostly write/vlog about crypto, grilling/cooking and life stories.

prices will go to the moon once more crypto users arrive next year

Not selling will pay big time in the long run

Finally steem getting real some attention :) I'll be truly celebrating once it reaches $10

yeah... that would be awesome :)

I also plan to do the same i.e. keep my steempower for years :)

Why is the price of SBD higher than Steem?

The community is developing and people will start understanding the advantage of the STEEM Blockchain.Thank you!

@exyle I am right there with you too. I am sitting on my STEEMPOWER for a Long Time.....................

Glad to say this is my first Steemit experience. Vey informative and exciting!

I simply bought a few SBD on Bittrex at $5.88, madness! disgrace I best had 3 SBD in my wallet. excellent news on the STEEM charge too, atypical the way it all of sudden jumps up such as you stated. it is very unstable while it's in an uptrend

wow. great information and well explained. superb writing. you giving price of steem and SBD But now values increased and now rate of Sbd is 7.73$ on coincapmarket.

I already tell everyone to don't sell SBD. Because its time to hold SBD and i also said that buy steem and SBD in my cryptonews post. That time rate of SBD was 5.59$.

steem is either decreasing or increasing graph. but value of steem will increase and now value of steem is 1.84 $ on coincapmarket.

damn!!! five.forty eight for SBD ???
we are sooner or later rolling and people will begin know-how the benefit of the STEEM Blockchain. I by no means powered down. It’s first-class I don’t have SBD. I were given some “power” MEOW!

@exyle Me too! The future of Steemit and the benefits will be great :) Best wishes to you always.

i get the feeling it will be as high as ethereum if not high as bitcoin. I think you did a video on that but I'm not sure.

I am new on Steem but definitely like to see your Vlog

Let's hope SMT's will grew SBD.

SBD is really going high, Steem also I am interested how high they can go.. This is great post I like it, You have my follow and upvote :) I would love if you could check out my profile :D

Same here! It's all about patience.

Optimism can cook a stone. This is not even a metaphor. I am sticking to my sp big time too, hopefully, I will earn plenty before the end of 2018

Really good job bro carry on thanks i like this post and your all is very important and helpful thanks

Thank you so much for giving such an information

Good post, nice analysis, as always. You got my vote!

I saw that! I was so surprised!

Hahahaha! @exyle,

you are going to sit on your steem power for years to come.

I wish i had that much now that steem is looking good.😁

I am wondering how far up SBD will rise but I think Steem will be next

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