Parameters as preface, I do think that these united States are a bit behind when it comes to assisted suicide.
If you're an elderly person in chronic pain from a terminal illness, and you're of sound mind, and you decide that you want to die in peace rather than suffer, I don't think that you should be denied that option. That doesn't strike me as being too far removed, as an ethical question, from a "pull the plug" scenario. If I've stated, as I have, that you can pull the plug on me if either my brain or my dick won't work, I should have my wishes upheld.
The thing is, Canada's law is already bad, and about to get worse.
3.3% of deaths in Canada, right now, are assisted suicides. That's a much larger percentage than gun murders in these united States.
That's with the current exclusion of mental illness as reason for euthanasia -- which will expire this year; specifically, as of March 17th of this year, mentally ill people in Canada will be eligible. Namely, Canada is on the brink of allowing mentally ill people -- people who are demonstrably not of sound mind -- to choose to be killed by the state.
Yes, if you're in pain, and whatever afflicts you is inevitably going to kill you, you should have the right to choose to die as comfortably as possible. Canada is pushing this too far.
Most people who have attempted suicide and survived have expressed regret at the attempt, and thanks to still be alive. The thing is that assisted suicide by a doctor is more likely to take than cutting your wrists or shooting yourself. This year, Canada is likely to make assisted suicide accessible for any adult who has a mental illness. If you're eighteen, and you're diagnosed with depression, as of March 17th, you can ask the government to kill you, and they'll do it.
That's wrong.
Canadian here, it's actually insane what is happening...I'm so sad about it! But I'll never tell my Dr. I'm sad that's for sure! FML...
Worrying indeed! I do not trust doctors at all and I trust governments even less.